Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > temporalAggregates.xsd > swe:offsetInterval
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representation of the ISO 11404 model of a time interval
length: e.g.
value=1, unit="year"
value=1, unit="other:month" (or see next)
value=1, unit="year" radix="12" factor="1" (1/12 year)
value=1.5, unit="day"
value=36, unit="hour"
value=5, unit="minute"
value=7, unit="second" radix="10" factor="3" (7 milliseconds)

Element information


  • xsd:decimal
  • Attributes

    unit [1..1]gml:TimeUnitType
    radix [0..1]xsd:positiveInteger
    factor [0..1]xsd:integer

    Used in

    Sample instance

    <swe:offsetInterval unit="year">1.0</swe:offsetInterval>

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