Position of the bounding box corner at which the value of each coordinate normally is the algebraic minimum within this bounding box. In some cases, this position is normally displayed at the top, such as the top left for some image coordinates. For more information, see Subclauses 10.2.5 and C.13.
Element information
Namespace: http://niem.gov/niem/external/ogc-ows/1.0.0/dhs-gmo/1.0.0
Schema document: external/ogc-ows/1.0.0/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/ows.xsd
Other elements with the same name: ows:LowerCorner
Type: ows:PositionType
Properties: Local, Qualified
Used in
- Type ows:BoundingBoxType (Element ows:BoundingBox)
Sample instance
<ows:LowerCorner>1.0 1.0</ows:LowerCorner>