Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > LandXML-1.1.xsd > land:RetWallPnt
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A retaining wall point defined by a space delimited "northing easting elevation" text value with height and offset attributes to define the wall point
The height value is positive if the northing/easting/elevation point is at the bottom of the wall, negative if the point is at the top of the wall.
The offset value is negative for left and positive for right.

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


from type land:Point3dReq
from type land:Point
  • List of:
    • xsd:double
    • Minimum length of list: 0
    • Maximum length of list: 3
  • Attributes

    name [0..1]xsd:stringfrom type land:PointType3dReq
    desc [0..1]xsd:stringfrom type land:PointType3dReq
    code [0..1]xsd:stringfrom type land:PointType3dReq
    state [0..1]land:stateTypefrom type land:PointType3dReq
    pntRef [0..1]land:pointNameReffrom type land:PointType3dReq
    pointGeometry [0..1]land:pointGeometryTypefrom type land:PointType3dReq
    DTMAttribute [0..1]land:DTMAttributeTypefrom type land:PointType3dReq
    timeStamp [0..1]xsd:dateTimefrom type land:PointType3dReq
    role [0..1]land:surveyRoleTypefrom type land:PointType3dReq
    height [1..1]xsd:double
    offset [1..1]xsd:double

    Used in

    Sample instance

    <land:RetWallPnt height="1.0" offset="1.0">Any text, intermingled with:1.0 1.0</land:RetWallPnt>

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