Place the note as a text value between the FieldNote element tags. You may also place any valid XML structure inside this tag.
Element information
Schema document: external/landxml/1.1/LandXML-1.1.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Choice [1..*]
- Any element [0..1] Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: skip
Used in
- Anonymous type of element RedHorizontalPosition
- Anonymous type of element RedVerticalObservation
- Anonymous type of element land:Backsight
- Anonymous type of element land:ControlChecks
- Anonymous type of element land:Corrections
- Anonymous type of element land:Equipment
- Anonymous type of element land:GPSAntennaDetails
- Anonymous type of element land:GPSPosition
- Anonymous type of element land:GPSReceiverDetails
- Anonymous type of element land:GPSSetup
- Anonymous type of element land:GPSVector
- Anonymous type of element land:InstrumentDetails
- Anonymous type of element land:InstrumentSetup
- Anonymous type of element land:LaserDetails
- Anonymous type of element land:LaserSetup
- Anonymous type of element land:ObservationGroup
- Anonymous type of element land:PointResults
- Anonymous type of element land:RawObservation
- Anonymous type of element land:ReducedArcObservation
- Anonymous type of element land:ReducedObservation
- Anonymous type of element land:Survey
- Anonymous type of element land:SurveyHeader
- Anonymous type of element land:TargetSetup
Sample instance
<land:FieldNote>Any text, intermingled with: <!--any element--> </land:FieldNote>