Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > ansi-nist.xsd > ansi-nist:PhysicalFeatureNCICCode
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NCIC code for a particular scar, mark, or tattoo.

Element information

Type: fbi:SMTCodeType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      ART ARMArm, nonspecific, artificial
      ART BRSTBreast, nonspecific, artificial
      ART BRSTSBreast implant, left and right
      ART EAREar, nonspecific, artificial
      ART ELBOWArtificial elbow joint
      ART EYEEye, nonspecific, artificial
      ART FOOTFoot, nonspecific, artificial
      ART HANDHand, nonspecific, artificial
      ART HIPArtificial hip joint
      ART KNEEArtificial knee joint
      ART L ARMArm, left, artificial
      ART L BRSTBreast implant, left
      ART L EAREar, left, artificial
      ART L ELBLeft Elbow, artificial
      ART L EYEEye, left, artificial
      ART L FTFoot, left, artificial
      ART L HIPLeft Hip, artificial
      ART L HNDHand, left, artificial
      ART L KNELeft Knee, artificial
      ART L LEGLeg, left, artificial
      ART L SHLDLeft Shoulder, artificial
      ART LARYNXArtificial larynx
      ART LEGLeg, nonspecific, artificial
      ART R ARMArm, right, artificial
      ART R BRSTBreast implant, right
      ART R EAREar, right, artificial
      ART R ELBRight Elbow, artificial
      ART R EYEEye, right, artificial
      ART R FTFoot, right, artificial
      ART R HIPRight Hip, artificial
      ART R HNDHand, right, artificial
      ART R KNERight Knee, artificial
      ART R LEGLeg, right, artificial
      ART R SHLDRight Shoulder, artificial
      ART SHLDArtificial shoulder joint
      BLINDBlind, both eyes
      BLND EYEBlind, one eye, nonspecific
      BLND L EYEBlind, left eye
      BLND R EYEBlind, right eye
      BRA LR ARMBrace, left and right arms
      BRA LR LEGBrace, left and right legs
      BRAC ARMBrace, one arm, nonspecific
      BRAC L ARMBrace, left arm
      BRAC L LEGBrace, left leg
      BRAC LEGBrace, one leg, nonspecific
      BRAC R ARMBrace, right arm
      BRAC R LEGBrace, right leg
      BRAC TEETHBrace, teeth
      BRACE BACKBrace, back
      BRACE NECKBrace, neck
      CARD PACEMCardiac pacemaker
      CATA L EYECataract, left eye
      CATA R EYECataract, right eye
      CATARACTCataract, (nonspecified)
      CAUL EARCauliflower Ear
      CAUL L EARCauliflower ear, left
      CAUL R EARCauliflower ear, right
      CL LIPCleft Lip
      CLEFT CHINCleft chin
      CLEFT PALCleft palate
      COLOST APPColostomy appliances
      CON LENSESContact lenses
      CRIP ARMArm, nonspecific, crippled
      CRIP FGRFinger(s), nonspecific, crippled
      CRIP FOOTFoot, nonspecific, crippled
      CRIP HANDHand, nonspecific, crippled
      CRIP L ARMCrippled arm, left
      CRIP L FGRCrippled finger(s), left hand(includes webbed fingers)
      CRIP L FTCrippled foot, left(includes clubfoot)
      CRIP L HNDCrippled hand, left
      CRIP L LEGCrippled leg, left
      CRIP L TOECrippled toe(s), left(includes webbed toes)
      CRIP LEGLeg, nonspecific, crippled
      CRIP R ARMCrippled arm, right
      CRIP R FGRCrippled finger(s), right hand(includes webbed fingers)
      CRIP R FTCrippled foot, right(includes clubfoot)
      CRIP R HNDCrippled hand, right
      CRIP R LEGCrippled leg, right
      CRIP R TOECrippled toe(s), right(includes webbed toes)
      CRIP TOEToe(s), nonspecific, crippled
      DA ALCOHOLAlcohol
      DA AMPHETAAmphetamines (includes stimulants,speed, etc.)
      DA BARBITUBarbiturates
      DA COCAINECocaine (includes crack)
      DA GLUEGlue
      DA HALLUCIHallucinogens
      DA MARIJUAMarijuana
      DA NARCOTINarcotics (includes Heroin,Morphine, Dilaudid, Methadone,etc.)
      DA OTHEROther drugs of abuse not listedabove, identify in themiscellaneous (MIS) field
      DA PAINTPaint (includes thinner)
      DA RITALINRitalin
      DA ROHYPNLRohypnol(Brand name for Flunitrazepam.Also referred to as "rophies","roofies", "ruffies", and "roche
      DEAFDeaf, left and right ears
      DEAF EARDeaf, one ear (nonspecific)
      DEAF L EARDeaf, left ear
      DEAF MUTEDeaf-mute
      DEAF R EARDeaf, right ear
      DENT LOWDenture, lower only
      DENT UPDenture, upper only
      DENT UP LODenture, upper and lower
      DEV SEPTUMDeviated septum
      DIMP CHEEKCheek, nonspecific, dimple
      DIMP CHINDimples, chin
      DIMP FACEFace, dimple
      DIMP L CHKDimples, left cheek (face)
      DIMP R CHKDimples, right cheek (face)
      DISC ABDOMAbdomen
      DISC ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      DISC ARMArm, nonspecific
      DISC BACKBack
      DISC BRSTBreast, nonspecific
      DISC BUTTKButtocks, nonspecific
      DISC CALFCalf, nonspecific, discolored
      DISC CHEEKCheek (face), nonspecific
      DISC CHESTChest
      DISC CHINChin
      DISC EAREar, nonspecific
      DISC ELBOWElbow, nonspecific, discolored
      DISC EYEEyebrow, nonspecific
      DISC F ARMForearm, nonspecific, discolored
      DISC FACEFace, nonspecific
      DISC FGRFinger, nonspecific
      DISC FHDForehead
      DISC FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      DISC GROINGroin, nonspecific, discolored
      DISC HANDHand, nonspecific, discolored
      DISC HEADHead
      DISC HIPHip, nonspecific
      DISC KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      DISC L ANKAnkle, left
      DISC L ARMArm, left
      DISC L BRSBreast, left
      DISC L BUTButtock, left
      DISC L CALFLeft Calf, discolored
      DISC L CHKCheek (face), left
      DISC L EAREar, left
      DISC L ELBLeft Elbow, discolored
      DISC L EYEEyebrow, left/left eye area
      DISC L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      DISC L FTFoot, left
      DISC L HIPHip, left
      DISC L HNDHand, left
      DISC L LEGLeg, left
      DISC L LIPLip, lower
      DISC L TOELeft Toe, discolored
      DISC L WRSWrist, left
      DISC LEGLeg, nonspecific
      DISC LF ARMLeft Forearm, discolored
      DISC LIPLip, nonspecific
      DISC LKNEEKnee, left
      DISC LSHLDShoulder, left
      DISC LTHGHThigh, left
      DISC NECKNeck
      DISC NOSENose
      DISC PENISPenis
      DISC R ANKAnkle, right
      DISC R ARMArm, right
      DISC R BRSBreast, right
      DISC R BUTButtock, right
      DISC R CALFRight Calf, discolored
      DISC R CHKCheek (face), right
      DISC R EAREar, right
      DISC R ELBRight Elbow, discolored
      DISC R EYEEyebrow, right/right eye area
      DISC R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      DISC R FTFoot, right
      DISC R HIPHip, right
      DISC R HNDHand, right
      DISC R LEGLeg, right
      DISC R TOERight Toe, discolored
      DISC R WRSWrist, right
      DISC RF ARMRight Forearm, discolored
      DISC RKNEEKnee, right
      DISC RSHLDShoulder, right
      DISC RTHGHThigh, right
      DISC SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      DISC THGHThigh, nonspecific
      DISC TOEToe(s), nonspecific, discolored
      DISC U LIPLip, upper
      DISC UL ARMUpper Left Arm, discolored
      DISC UR ARMUpper Right Arm, discolored
      DISC WRISTWrist, nonspecific
      EAR TUBESTubes in ears, left and right
      EXTR BRSTExtra breast, nonspecific
      EXTR C NIPExtra nipple, center
      EXTR C VRTExtra vertebrae, cervical
      EXTR CBRSTExtra breast, center
      EXTR FGRFinger(s), nonspecific, extra
      EXTR L FGRExtra finger(s), left hand
      EXTR L NIPExtra nipple, left
      EXTR L TOEExtra toe(s), left
      EXTR L VRTExtra vertebrae, lumbar
      EXTR LBRSTExtra breast, left
      EXTR NIPExtra nipple, nonspecific
      EXTR R FGRExtra finger(s), right hand
      EXTR R NIPExtra nipple, right
      EXTR R TOEExtra toe(s), right
      EXTR RBRSTExtra breast, right
      EXTR TOEToe(s), nonspecific, extra
      EXTR TTHTooth/Teeth, nonspecific, extra
      EXTR VRTExtra vertebrae, nonspecific
      FRC ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      FRC ARMArm, nonspecific
      FRC BACKBack
      FRC CLAVICClavicle, nonspecific
      FRC ELBOWElbow, nonspecific, fractured
      FRC FGRFinger(s), nonspecific
      FRC FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      FRC HANDHand, nonspecific
      FRC HIPHip, nonspecific, fractured
      FRC JAWJaw, nonspecific
      FRC KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      FRC L ANKLAnkle, left
      FRC L ARMLeft Arm, fractured
      FRC L ELBLeft Elbow, fractured
      FRC L FGRFinger(s), left
      FRC L FOOTFoot, left
      FRC L HANDHand, left
      FRC L HIPLeft Hip, fractured
      FRC L KNEEKnee, left
      FRC L LEGLeft Leg, fractured
      FRC L RIBRib(s), left
      FRC L SHLDShoulder, left
      FRC L TOEToe(s), left foot
      FRC L WRSTWrist, left
      FRC LCLAVIClavicle, left
      FRC LEGLeg, nonspecific
      FRC LL ARMArm, lower left
      FRC LL JAWJaw, lower left
      FRC LL LEGLeg, lower left
      FRC LPELVIPelvis bone, left
      FRC LR ARMArm, lower right
      FRC LR JAWJaw, lower left
      FRC LR LEGLeg, lower right
      FRC NECKNeck
      FRC NOSENose
      FRC PELVISPelvis
      FRC R ANKLAnkle, right
      FRC R ARMRight Arm, fractured
      FRC R ELBRight Elbow, fractured
      FRC R FGRFinger(s), right
      FRC R FOOTFoot, right
      FRC R HANDHand, right
      FRC R HIPRight Hip, fractured
      FRC R KNEEKnee, right
      FRC R LEGRight Leg, fractured
      FRC R RIBRib(s), right
      FRC R SHLDShoulder, right
      FRC R TOEToe(s), right foot
      FRC R WRSTWrist, right
      FRC RCLAVIClavicle, right
      FRC RIBSRib(s), nonspecific
      FRC RPELVIPelvis bone, right
      FRC SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      FRC SKULLSkull
      FRC SPINESpine
      FRC STERNSternum
      FRC TOEToe(s), nonspecific
      FRC UL ARMArm, upper left
      FRC UL JAWJaw, upper left
      FRC UL LEGLeg, upper left
      FRC UR ARMArm, upper right
      FRC UR JAWJaw, upper right
      FRC UR LEGLeg, upper right
      FRC WRISTWrist, nonspecific
      GLASSESGlasses (prescription)
      GOLD TOOTHGold tooth
      HAIR IMPLHair implants
      HEAR AIDHearing Aid
      HFR ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      HFR ARMArm, nonspecific
      HFR BACKBack
      HFR CLAVICClavicle, nonspecific
      HFR ELBOWElbow, nonspecific, healed fractured
      HFR FGRFinger(s), nonspecific
      HFR FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      HFR HANDHand, nonspecific
      HFR HIPHip, nonspecific, healed fractured
      HFR JAWJaw, nonspecific
      HFR KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      HFR L ANKLAnkle, left
      HFR L ARMLeft Arm, healed fractured
      HFR L ELBLeft Elbow, healed fractured
      HFR L FGRFinger(s), left
      HFR L FOOTFoot, left
      HFR L HANDHand, left
      HFR L HIPLeft Hip, healed fractured
      HFR L KNEEKnee, left
      HFR L LEGLeft Leg, healed fractured
      HFR L RIBRib(s), left
      HFR L SHLDShoulder, left
      HFR L TOEToe(s), left foot
      HFR L WRSTWrist, left
      HFR LCLAVIClavicle, left
      HFR LEGLeg, nonspecific
      HFR LL ARMArm, lower left
      HFR LL JAWJaw, lower left
      HFR LL LEGLeg, lower left
      HFR LPELVIPelvis bone, left
      HFR LR ARMArm, lower right
      HFR LR JAWJaw, lower left
      HFR LR LEGLeg, lower right
      HFR NECKNeck
      HFR NOSENose
      HFR PELVISPelvis
      HFR R ANKLAnkle, right
      HFR R ARMRight Arm, healed fractured
      HFR R ELBRight Elbow, healed fractured
      HFR R FGRFinger(s), right
      HFR R FOOTFoot, right
      HFR R HANDHand, right
      HFR R HIPRight Hip, healed fractured
      HFR R KNEEKnee, right
      HFR R LEGRight Leg, healed fractured
      HFR R RIBRib(s), right
      HFR R SHLDShoulder, right
      HFR R TOEToe(s), right foot
      HFR R WRSTWrist, right
      HFR RCLAVIClavicle, right
      HFR RIBSRib(s), nonspecific
      HFR RPELVIPelvis bone, right
      HFR SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      HFR SKULLSkull
      HFR SPINESpine
      HFR STERNSternum
      HFR TOEToe(s), nonspecific
      HFR UL ARMArm, upper left
      HFR UL JAWJaw, upper left
      HFR UL LEGLeg, upper left
      HFR UR ARMArm, upper right
      HFR UR JAWJaw, upper right
      HFR UR LEGLeg, upper right
      HFR WRISTWrist, nonspecific
      IMPL PENISPenile implant
      INTRA RODIntramedullary rod
      IUDIntrauterine device
      MC ACNEAcne
      MC ADDAttention Deficit Disorder
      MC ALCOHOLAlcoholism
      MC ALLERGYAllergies including asthma
      MC ALZHMRSAlzheimer's Disease
      MC ARTHRTSArthritis
      MC BEHAVIOBehavior Disorder(includes Autism, Depression,Schizophrenia, Suicidal Tendencies(past and present)
      MC BLOODHematological Diseases (disease ofthe blood - includes: anemia,hemophilia, leukemia, and sicklecell
      MC CANCERCancer
      MC DIABTICDiabetic
      MC DOWNSYNDown's Syndrome
      MC DRUGABDrug Abuse
      MC EATDISEating Disorders(Includes Anorexia Nervosa andBulimia)
      MC HEARTHeart or circulatory diseasesincluding: high blood pressure,heart failure, heart attack,hardening o
      MC KIDNEYKidney Conditions or Diseases
      MC LIVERLiver Disease(Including cirrhosis andhepatitis)
      MC NERVOUSNervous conditions including:seizures, stroke, senility, andmental retardation
      MC NRLGCALNeurological Conditions or Diseases(includes Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson
      MC OTHEROther medical disorders/conditionsnot listed above, identify in theMiscellaneous (MIS) Field
      MC PARPLGCParaplegic
      MC PASTPREPregnancy - Past
      MC PLMNARYPulmonary (Lung) Diseases(includes Emphesyma, CysticFibrosis)
      MC PREGNANPregnancy - Present
      MC QUADPLGQuadriplegic
      MC SKINSkin Disorders(includes psoriasis and eczema)
      MC TBTuberculosis
      MC THYROIDThyroid Conditions or Diseases
      MC TOURETETourette's Syndrome
      MISS ADNDAdenoids
      MISS APPNXAppendix
      MISS ARMArm, nonspecific, missing
      MISS BRSTBreast, nonspecific, missing
      MISS BRSTSBreasts
      MISS C VRTMissing Cervical Vertebra(e)
      MISS EAREar, nonspecific, missing
      MISS EYEEye, nonspecific, missing
      MISS FGRFinger(s), nonspecific, missing
      MISS FJTFinger Joint, nonspecific, missing
      MISS FOOTFoot, nonspecific, missing
      MISS GALLGallbladder
      MISS HANDHand, nonspecific, missing
      MISS INTESIntestines
      MISS KIDKidney, nonspecific, missing
      MISS L ARMArm, left
      MISS L EAREar, left
      MISS L EYEEye, left
      MISS L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      MISS L FJTFinger joint(s), left hand
      MISS L FTFoot, left
      MISS L HNDHand, left
      MISS L KIDKidney, left
      MISS L LEGLeg, left
      MISS L TESTestis, left
      MISS L TOEToes(s), left foot
      MISS L VRTMissing Lumbar Vertebra(e)
      MISS LBRSTBreast, left
      MISS LEGLeg, nonspecific, missing
      MISS LLARMArm, lower left
      MISS LLLEGLeg, lower left
      MISS LLUNGLung, left
      MISS LOVAROvary, left
      MISS LRARMArm, lower right
      MISS LRLEGLeg, lower right
      MISS LRYNXLarynx
      MISS LUNGLung, nonspecific, missing
      MISS NOSENose
      MISS OVARSOvaries
      MISS OVARYOvary, nonspecific, missing
      MISS PANCRPancreas
      MISS PENISMissing Penis
      MISS PROSTProstate Gland
      MISS R ARMArm, right
      MISS R EAREar, right
      MISS R EYEEye, right
      MISS R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      MISS R FJTFinger joint(s), right hand
      MISS R FTFoot, right
      MISS R HNDHand, right
      MISS R KIDKidney, right
      MISS R LEGLeg, right
      MISS R TESTestis, right
      MISS R TOEToes(s), right foot
      MISS RBRSTBreast, right
      MISS RLUNGLung, right
      MISS ROVAROvary, right
      MISS SPLENSpleen
      MISS STOMAStomach
      MISS TESTestical, nonspecific, missing
      MISS THYRDThyroid
      MISS TOEToe(s), nonspecific, missing
      MISS TONGTongue
      MISS TONSLTonsils
      MISS UTRUSUterus
      MISS VRTMissing Vertebra(e),nonspecific
      MOLE ABDOMAbdomen
      MOLE ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      MOLE ARMArm, nonspecific, mole
      MOLE BACKBack
      MOLE BRSTBreast, nonspecific
      MOLE BUTTKButtocks, nonspecific
      MOLE CALFCalf, nonspecific, mole
      MOLE CHESTChest
      MOLE CHINChin
      MOLE CHKCheek (face), nonspecific
      MOLE EAREar, nonspecific
      MOLE ELBOWElbow, nonspecific, mole
      MOLE EYEEye, nonspecific, mole
      MOLE F ARMForearm, nonspecific, mole
      MOLE FACEFace, mole
      MOLE FGRFinger, nonspecific
      MOLE FHDForehead
      MOLE FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      MOLE GROINGroin area
      MOLE HANDHand
      MOLE HEADHead, nonspecific
      MOLE HIPHip, nonspecific
      MOLE KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      MOLE L ANKAnkle, left
      MOLE L ARMArm, left
      MOLE L BUTButtock, left
      MOLE L CALFLeft Calf, mole
      MOLE L CHKCheek (face), left
      MOLE L EAREar, left
      MOLE L ELBLeft Elbow, mole
      MOLE L EYEEyebrow, left/left eye area
      MOLE L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      MOLE L FTFoot, left
      MOLE L HIPHip, left
      MOLE L HNDHand, left
      MOLE L KNEKnee, left
      MOLE L LEGLeg, left
      MOLE L LIPLip, lower
      MOLE L SHDShoulder, left
      MOLE L THGThigh, left
      MOLE L TOELeft Toe, mole
      MOLE L WRSWrist, left
      MOLE LBRSTBreast, left
      MOLE LEGLeg, nonspecific
      MOLE LF ARMLeft forearm, mole
      MOLE LIPLip, nonspecific
      MOLE NECKNeck
      MOLE NOSENose
      MOLE PENISPenis
      MOLE R ANKAnkle, right
      MOLE R ARMArm, right
      MOLE R BUTButtock, right
      MOLE R CALFRight Calf, mole
      MOLE R CHKCheek (face), right
      MOLE R EAREar, right
      MOLE R ELBRight Elbow, mole
      MOLE R EYEEyebrow, right/right eye area
      MOLE R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      MOLE R FTFoot, right
      MOLE R HIPHip, right
      MOLE R HNDHand, right
      MOLE R KNEKnee, right
      MOLE R LEGLeg, right
      MOLE R SHDShoulder, right
      MOLE R THGThigh, right
      MOLE R TOERight Toe, mole
      MOLE R WRSWrist, right
      MOLE RBRSTBreast, right
      MOLE RF ARMRight forearm, mole
      MOLE SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      MOLE THGHThigh, nonspecific
      MOLE TOEToe(s), nonspecific, mole
      MOLE U LIPLip, right
      MOLE UL ARMUpper Left Arm, mole
      MOLE UR ARMUpper Right Arm, mole
      MOLE WRSWrist, nonspecific, mole
      MUTEMute (To be used if person is mutebut not deaf.)
      NM ANKLAnkle, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM ARMArm, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM BUTTKButtock, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM CALFCalf, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM ELBOWElbow, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM FGRFinger(s), nonspecific, needle mark
      NM FOOTFoot, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM GROINGroin, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM HANDHand, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM HIPHip, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM KNEEKnee, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM L ANKLLeft Ankle, needle mark
      NM L ARMArm, left
      NM L BUTTKButtock, left
      NM L CALFLeft Calf, needle mark
      NM L ELBLeft Elbow, needle mark
      NM L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      NM L FOOTFoot, left
      NM L HIPLeft Hip, needle mark
      NM L HNDHand, left
      NM L KNELeft Knee, needle mark
      NM L LEGLeg, left
      NM L SHLDLeft Shoulder, needle mark
      NM L THIGHThigh, left
      NM L TOELeft Toe, needle mark
      NM L WRISTWrist, left
      NM LEGLeg, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM LL ARMLower Left Arm, needle mark
      NM LR ARMLower Right Arm, needle mark
      NM PENISPenis, needle mark
      NM R ANKLRight Ankle, needle mark
      NM R ARMArm, right
      NM R BUTTKButtock, right
      NM R CALFRight Calf, needle mark
      NM R ELBRight Elbow, needle mark
      NM R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      NM R FOOTFoot, right
      NM R HIPRight Hip, needle mark
      NM R HNDHand, right
      NM R KNERight Knee, needle mark
      NM R LEGLeg, right
      NM R SHLDRight Shoulder, needle mark
      NM R THIGHThigh, right
      NM R TOERight Toe, needle mark
      NM R WRISTWrist, right
      NM SHLDShoulder, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM THIGHThigh, nonspecific, needle mark
      NM TOEToe(s), nonspecific, needle mark
      NM UL ARMUpper Left Arm, needle mark
      NM UR ARMUpper Right Arm, needle mark
      NM WRISTWrist, nonspecific, needle mark
      ORTH NAILOrthopedic nail or pin
      ORTH PLATEOrthopedic plate
      ORTH SCREWOrthopedic screw
      PRCD ABDMNPierced abdomen
      PRCD BACKPierced back
      PRCD EARPierced ear, one nonspecific
      PRCD EARSPierced ears
      PRCD EYEPierced eyebrow, nonspecific
      PRCD GNTLSPierced genitalia
      PRCD L EARPierced left ear
      PRCD L EYEPierced left eyebrow
      PRCD L NIPPierced nipple, left
      PRCD LIPPierced lip, nonspecific
      PRCD LLIPPierced lip, lower
      PRCD NIPPLPierced nipple, nonspecific
      PRCD NOSEPierced nose
      PRCD R EARPierced right ear
      PRCD R EYEPierced right eyebrow
      PRCD R NIPPierced nipple, right
      PRCD TONGUPierced tongue
      PRCD ULIPPierced lip, upper
      PROT JAWJaw, nonspecific, protruding
      PROT L JAWProtruding lower jaw
      PROT U JAWProtruding upper jaw
      RTAT ABDMAbdomen
      RTAT ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      RTAT ARMArm, nonspecific
      RTAT BACKBack
      RTAT BRSTBreast, nonspecific
      RTAT BUTTKButtocks, nonspecific
      RTAT CALFCalf, nonspecific
      RTAT CHEEKCheek (face), nonspecific
      RTAT CHESTChest
      RTAT CHINChin
      RTAT EAREar, nonspecific
      RTAT ELBOWElbow, nonspecific
      RTAT EYEEye, nonspecific, remove tattoo
      RTAT FACEFace, nonspecific (Use the MIS fieldo further describe location)
      RTAT FARMForearm, nonspecific
      RTAT FHDForehead
      RTAT FLBODFull body
      RTAT FNGRFinger, nonspecific
      RTAT FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      RTAT GROINGroin Area
      RTAT HANDHand, nonspecific
      RTAT HEADHead, nonspecific (Use the MIS fieldo further describe location)
      RTAT HIPHip, nonspecific
      RTAT KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      RTAT L ARMArm, left
      RTAT L CHKCheek (face), left
      RTAT L EAREar, left
      RTAT L ELBElbow, left
      RTAT L EYELeft Eye, remove tattoo
      RTAT L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      RTAT L HIPHip, left
      RTAT L HNDHand, left
      RTAT L LEGLeg, left
      RTAT L TOELeft Toe, remove tattoo
      RTAT LANKLAnkle, left
      RTAT LBRSTBreast, left
      RTAT LBUTKButtocks, left
      RTAT LCALFCalf, left
      RTAT LEGLeg, nonspecific
      RTAT LFARMForearm, left
      RTAT LFOOTFoot, left
      RTAT LIPLip, nonspecific
      RTAT LKNEEKnee, left
      RTAT LSHLDShoulder, left
      RTAT LTHGHThigh, left
      RTAT LWLIPLip, lower
      RTAT LWRSWrist, left
      RTAT NECKNeck
      RTAT NOSENose
      RTAT PENISPenis
      RTAT R ARMArm, right (Use the MIS field tofurther describe location)
      RTAT R CHKCheek (face), right
      RTAT R EAREar, right
      RTAT R ELBElbow, right
      RTAT R EYERight Eye, remove tattoo
      RTAT R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      RTAT R HIPHip, right
      RTAT R HNDHand, right
      RTAT R LEGLeg, right (Use the MIS field tourther describe location)
      RTAT R TOERight Toe, remove tattoo
      RTAT RANKLAngle, right
      RTAT RBRSTBreast, right
      RTAT RBUTKButtocks, right
      RTAT RCALFCalf, right
      RTAT RFARMForearm, right
      RTAT RFOOTFoot, right
      RTAT RKNEEKnee, right
      RTAT RSHLDShoulder, right
      RTAT RTHGHThigh, right
      RTAT RWRSWrist, right
      RTAT SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      RTAT THGHThigh, nonspecific
      RTAT TOEToe(s), nonspecific, remove tattoo
      RTAT ULARMArm, left upper
      RTAT UPLIPLip, upper
      RTAT URARMArm, right upper
      RTAT WRSWrist, nonspecific
      SC ABDOMAbdomen
      SC ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      SC ARMArm, nonspecific
      SC BACKBack
      SC BREASTBreast, nonspecific
      SC BUTTKButtocks, nonspecific
      SC CALFCalf, nonspecific
      SC CHESTChest
      SC CHINChin
      SC CHKCheek, nonspecific
      SC EAREar, nonspecific
      SC ELBOWElbow, nonspecific
      SC EYEEyebrow, nonspecific
      SC F ARMForearm, nonspecific
      SC FACEFace, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation)
      SC FGRFinger, nonspecific
      SC FHDForehead
      SC FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      SC GROINGroin area
      SC HANDHand, nonspecific
      SC HEADHead, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation)
      SC HIPHip, nonspecific
      SC KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      SC L ANKLAnkle, left
      SC L ARMArm, left, nonspecific
      SC L BRSTBreast, left
      SC L BUTTKButtocks, left
      SC L CALFCalf, left
      SC L CHKCheek, left
      SC L EAREar, left
      SC L ELBElbow, left
      SC L EYEEyebrow, left/left eye area
      SC L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      SC L FTFoot, left
      SC L HIPHip, left
      SC L HNDHand, left
      SC L KNEEKnee, left
      SC L LEGLeg, left
      SC L SHLDShoulder, left
      SC L THGHThigh, left
      SC L TOELeft Toe, scar
      SC L WRISTWrist, left
      SC LEGLeg, nonspecific
      SC LF ARMForearm, left
      SC LIPLip, nonspecific
      SC LOW LIPLip, lower
      SC NECKNeck
      SC NOSENose
      SC PENISPenis
      SC R ANKLAnkle, right
      SC R ARMArm, right, nonspecific
      SC R BRSTBreast, right
      SC R BUTTKButtocks, right
      SC R CALFCalf, right
      SC R CHKCheek, right
      SC R EAREar, right
      SC R ELBElbow, right
      SC R EYEEyebrow, right/right eye area
      SC R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      SC R FTFoot, right
      SC R HIPHip, right
      SC R HNDHand, right
      SC R KNEEKnee, right
      SC R LEGLeg, right
      SC R SHLDShoulder, right
      SC R THGHThigh, right
      SC R TOERight Toe, scar
      SC R WRISTWrist, right
      SC RF ARMForearm, right
      SC SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      SC THGHThigh, nonspecific
      SC TOEToe(s), nonspecific, scar
      SC UL ARMArm, left upper
      SC UP LIPLip, upper
      SC UR ARMArm, right upper
      SC WRISTWrist, nonspecific
      SHRT L LEGShorter left leg
      SHRT LEGLeg, nonspecific, short
      SHRT R LEGShorter right leg
      SHUNT ARTShunt, arterial vascular
      SHUNT CERBShunt, cerebral ventricule
      SKL PLATESkull plate
      SLVR TOOTHSilver tooth
      TAT ABDOMAbdomen
      TAT ANKLAnkle, nonspecific
      TAT ARMArm, nonspecific
      TAT BACKBack
      TAT BREASTBreast
      TAT BUTTKButtocks
      TAT CALFCalf, nonspecific
      TAT CHEEKCheek (face), nonspecific
      TAT CHESTChest
      TAT CHINChin
      TAT EAREar, nonspecific
      TAT ELBOWElbow, nonspecific
      TAT EYEEye, nonspecific, tattoo
      TAT FACEFace, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation)
      TAT FARMForearm, nonspecific
      TAT FHDForehead
      TAT FLBODYFull Body(Use only when the entire body - arms, legs, chest, and back are covered with tattoos.)
      TAT FNGRFinger, nonspecific
      TAT FOOTFoot, nonspecific
      TAT GROINGroin area
      TAT HANDHand, nonspecific
      TAT HEADHead, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation)
      TAT HIPHip, nonspecific
      TAT KNEEKnee, nonspecific
      TAT L ANKLAnkle, left
      TAT L ARMArm, left
      TAT L BRSTBreast, left
      TAT L BUTKButtock, left
      TAT L CALFCalf, left
      TAT L CHKCheek (face), left
      TAT L EAREar, left
      TAT L EYELeft Eye, tattoo
      TAT L FGRFinger(s), left hand
      TAT L FOOTFoot, left
      TAT L HIPHip, left
      TAT L HNDHand, left
      TAT L KNEEKnee, left
      TAT L LEGLeg, left, nonspecific
      TAT L SHLDShoulder, left
      TAT L THGHThigh, left
      TAT L TOELeft Toe, tattoo
      TAT L WRSWrist, left
      TAT LEGLeg, nonspecific
      TAT LELBOWElbow, left
      TAT LF ARMForearm, left
      TAT LIPLip, nonspecific
      TAT LW LIPLip, lower
      TAT NECKNeck
      TAT NOSENose
      TAT PENISPenis
      TAT R ANKLAnkle, right
      TAT R ARMArm, right
      TAT R BRSTBreast, right
      TAT R BUTKButtock, right
      TAT R CALFCalf, right
      TAT R CHKCheek (face), right
      TAT R EAREar, right
      TAT R EYERight Eye, tattoo
      TAT R FGRFinger(s), right hand
      TAT R FOOTFoot, right
      TAT R HIPHip, right
      TAT R HNDHand, right
      TAT R KNEEKnee, right
      TAT R LEGLeg, right, nonspecific
      TAT R SHLDShoulder, right
      TAT R THGHThigh, right
      TAT R TOERight Toe, tattoo
      TAT R WRSWrist, right
      TAT RELBOWElbow, right
      TAT RF ARMForearm, right
      TAT SHLDShoulder, nonspecific
      TAT THGHThigh, nonspecific
      TAT TOEToe(s), nonspecific, tattoo
      TAT UL ARMArm, left upper
      TAT UP LIPLip, upper
      TAT UR ARMArm, right upper
      TAT WRSWrist, nonspecific
      TD ACONVULAnticonvulsants (seizuremedicines - includes: DilantinMysoline, Phenobarbital, etc.)
      TD ADEPRESAntidepressants (mood-lifters -(Mood lifters - includes: Amitriptylene, Elavil, Norpramine, Prozac,T
      TD ANALGESAnalgesics (pain relievers -includes: Darvon, Acetominophen,Aspirin, etc.)
      TD ANTBTCSAntibiotics
      TD ANTINFLAnti-Inflammatory Medication
      TD BRNCHDLBronchial Dilators(Includes inhalers)
      TD CARDIACCardiac (heart medications -includes: Digitalis,Digoxin, etc.)
      TD HYPNOTIHypnotics (sleeping aides -includes: Barbiturates,Chloral Hydrate, Glutethemide,etc.)
      TD INSULINInsulin
      TD OTHEROther therapeutic medicationsnot listed above, identify inthe MIS Field.
      TD RITALINRitalin
      TD TRANQUITranquilizers (includes:Valium, Thorazine, Stellazine,etc.)
      TRANSSXLTranssexual(Miscellaneous field should indicate what the individual was at birth and what they are a
      TUBE L EARTube in left ear
      TUBE R EARTube in right ear
      VASC PROTHVascular prosthesis
      WIRE SUTURWire sutures
  • Attributes

    s:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    s:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    s:linkMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

    Used in

    Sample instance

    <ansi-nist:PhysicalFeatureNCICCode>ART ARM</ansi-nist:PhysicalFeatureNCICCode>

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