Simple type information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML
Schema document: mathml3-common.xsd
- Pattern: \s*((-?[0-9]*([0-9]\.?|\.[0-9])[0-9]*(e[mx]|in|cm|mm|p[xtc]|%)?)|(negative)?((very){0,2}thi(n|ck)|medium)mathspace)\s*
Used by
- Attribute altimg-height
- Attribute altimg-width
- Attribute depth
- Attribute fontsize
- Attribute height
- Attribute indentshift
- Attribute leftoverhang
- Attribute lineleading
- Attribute lspace
- Attribute maxwidth
- Attribute mediummathspace
- Attribute minlabelspacing
- Attribute minsize
- Attribute rightoverhang
- Attribute rspace
- Attribute scriptminsize
- Attribute subscriptshift
- Attribute superscriptshift
- Attribute thickmathspace
- Attribute thinmathspace
- Attribute valign
- Attribute verythickmathspace
- Attribute verythinmathspace
- Attribute veryverythickmathspace
- Attribute veryverythinmathspace
- Attribute width
- within columnspacing
- within columnspacing
- within rowspacing
- within rowspacing
- Attribute altimg-valign via derived anonymous type
- Attribute charspacing via derived anonymous type
- Attribute charspacing via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftfirst via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftfirst via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftfirst via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftlast via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftlast via derived anonymous type
- Attribute indentshiftlast via derived anonymous type
- Attribute linethickness via derived anonymous type
- Attribute linethickness via derived anonymous type
- Attribute mathsize via derived anonymous type
- Attribute mathsize via derived anonymous type
- Attribute mathsize via derived anonymous type
- Attribute maxsize via derived anonymous type
- Attribute maxsize via derived anonymous type
- Attribute mslinethickness via derived anonymous type
- Attribute mslinethickness via derived anonymous type
- Attribute width via derived anonymous type
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:string
- m:length
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute maxsize
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftfirst
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftlast
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftfirst
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftlast
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute mathsize
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute mslinethickness
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute mathsize
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute linethickness
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute charspacing
- used as member of union type within columnwidth
- used as member of union type within framespacing
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftfirst
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute indentshiftlast
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute linethickness
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute mathsize
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute maxsize
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute mslinethickness
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute altimg-valign
- used as member of union type within columnwidth
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute width
- used as member of union type within framespacing
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute charspacing
- used as item of list type within columnspacing
- used as item of list type within rowspacing
- used as item of list type within rowspacing
- used as item of list type within columnspacing
- m:length