A structure that provides additional information for NIEM's PersonType.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://usdoj.gov/leisp/lexs/digest/3.1
Schema document: digest/3.1/digest.xsd
NIEM Properties:
- Base: nc:PersonType
- Sequence [1..1]
- nc:PersonAgeMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the age of a person.
- nc:PersonAlternateName [0..*]An alternate name used by a person.
- nc:PersonBirthDate [0..*]A date a person was born.
- nc:PersonCitizenshipFIPS10-4Code [0..*]A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
- Choice [0..1]
- nc:PersonEyeColorCodeA color of the eyes of a person.
- nc:PersonEyeColorTextA color of the eyes of a person.
from subst. group nc:PersonEyeColor - Choice [0..1]
- nc:PersonHairColorCodeA color of the hair of a person.
- nc:PersonHairColorTextA color of the hair of a person.
from subst. group nc:PersonHairColor - nc:PersonHeightMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the height of a person.
- nc:PersonName [0..1]A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
- nc:PersonOtherIdentification [0..*]Information about an identifier with a kind that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain.
- nc:PersonPassportIdentification [0..*]An identification of a passport issued to a person.
- nc:PersonPrimaryLanguage [0..1]A capacity of a person for a language with which that person has the strongest familiarity.
- Choice [0..2]
- nc:PersonRaceCodeA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
- nc:PersonRaceTextA classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
from subst. group nc:PersonRace - nc:PersonSexCode [0..1]A gender or sex of a person.
- nc:PersonSSNIdentification [0..*]A unique reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration.
- nc:PersonWeightMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the weight of a person.
- j:PersonAugmentation [0..1]Additional information about a person.
- lexsdigest:PersonAugmentation [0..1]Additional information about a person.
from type nc:PersonTypefrom subst. group nc:PersonCitizenshipfrom subst. group nc:PersonSex
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The id attribute is used to define XML IDs for NIEM objects. These IDs may be targets of reference elements, metadata attributes, and link metadata attributes. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The attribute metadata allows an object to point to metadata that affects itself. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The linkMetadata attribute allows an element to point to metadata that affects the relationship between the context and the value of the object. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used in
- Element lexsdigest:Person
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:BailBondsmanPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:BaileePersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:BailingPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:ContactPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:DeclarationPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:MissingPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:OriginatorPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:ReceiverPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:RecipientPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:SenderPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:ServiceProviderPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:ServiceRecipientPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:SubjectPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:VictimPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:VisitedPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:VisitorPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:WitnessPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:ConveyanceOperatorReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:ConveyedPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:EmployeeReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:EntityPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonAuthorityFigureReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonChildReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonDependentReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonGuardianReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonParentReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:PersonWorkerReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:RoleOfPersonReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:WeaponUserReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:ObjectReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:PayloadObjectReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:SameAsDigestReference
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- extended by nc:PersonType
- extended by lexsdigest:PersonType
- extended by nc:PersonType