All role types defined in the LEXS 3.1 data schema. Queries can specify that structured searches should only match certain roles.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://usdoj.gov/leisp/lexs/codes/3.1
Schema document: codes/3.1/codes.xsd
NIEM Properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description CriminalOrganizationType Criminal Organization role type, applies to Organization EnforcementOfficialType Enforcement Official role type, applies to Person JudicialOfficialType Judicial role type, applies to Person JurorType Juror role type, applies to Person MissingPersonType Missing Person role type, applies to Person OtherInvolvedPersonType Other Involved Person role type, applies to Person PropertyType Property role type, applies to Aircraft, Drug, Explosive, Firearm, Tangible Item, Vehicle, and Vessel RegisteredOffenderType Registered Offender role type, applies to Person ResourceType Resource role type, applies to Person and Tangible Item SubjectType Subject role type, applies to Person and Organization VehicleBranderType Vehicle Brander role type, applies to Organization VictimType Victim role type, applies to Person and Organization WeaponType Weapon role type, applies to Aircraft, Drug, Explosive, Firearm, Tangible Item, Vehicle, and Vessel WitnessType Witness role type, applies to Person
Used in
- Element lexs:RoleType via derived type lexscodes:RoleTypeCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- restricted by lexscodes:RoleTypeCodeSimpleType
- extended by Type lexscodes:RoleTypeCodeType
- restricted by lexscodes:RoleTypeCodeSimpleType