A Person Entity
Element information
Namespace: http://usdoj.gov/leisp/lexs/digest/3.1
Schema document: digest/3.1/digest.xsd
Type: lexsdigest:EntityPersonType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
- Sequence [1..1]
- lexsdigest:Metadata [0..*]Provides additional information about an object.
- lexsdigest:Person [1..1]A person.
- em:Resource [0..*]
- j:AppellateCaseDecisionIssuingJudge [0..*]A judge that issues, orders, or authors an appellate case decision.
- j:AppellateCaseNoticeProsecutingAttorney [0..*]An attorney reported in an appellate case notice that originally tried a case.
- j:ArrestOfficial [0..*]A peace official who makes an arrest.
- j:ArrestSubject [0..*]A person who is arrested.
- j:Attorney [0..*]A person admitted to practice law in his or her respective state and authorized to perform both civil and criminal legal functions for clients.
- j:BailSubject [0..*]A person who is assigned bail.
- j:BookingEmployee [0..*]An official who processes a subject for booking.
- j:BookingReleaseCorrectionsAnalyst [0..*]A corrections pre-trial screening official.
- j:BookingSearchOfficial [0..*]An official who searches a subject during a booking.
- j:BookingSubject [0..*]A person who is booked.
- j:BookingTelephoneCallSupervisingOfficial [0..*]A peace official who supervises a subject making a telephone call.
- j:BookingTransportOfficial [0..*]An official who moves a subject to a detention facility.
- j:CaseJuror [0..*]An empanelled juror or an alternate juror.
- j:CaseWitness [0..*]The person/entity who has information relating to the activity or who testifies in court.
- j:ChargeSubject [0..*]A person accused of committing a specific offense.
- j:ChargeVictim [0..*]A person or entity who is the victim of an offense designated by the charge.
- j:CitationIssuingOfficial [0..*]A peace official who gives a citation to a subject.
- j:CitationSubject [0..*]A person who violates a law and receives a citation.
- j:ConvictionSubject [0..*]A person who was found guilty of a crime.
- j:CourtEventJudge [0..*]A judge associated with a court event.
- j:CourtOrderDesignatedSubject [0..*]A person to which a court order applies. The subject could be a Protected Party, the recipient of a Summons or Subpoena, the subject of a Warrant, etc.
- j:CourtOrderIssuingJudicialOfficial [0..*]A judge or other judicial official that issued a court order.
- j:CourtOrderServiceOfficialEnforcement [0..*]An official who delivered a court order.
- j:CourtOrderServiceOfficialJudicial [0..*]An official who delivered a court order.
- j:CustodyTransferReceivingEnforcementOfficial [0..*]A peace official that receives custody of a subject or property.
- j:CustodyTransferReleasingEnforcementOfficial [0..*]A peace official that releases custody of a subject or property.
- j:CustodyTransferSubject [0..*]A person who is being transferred from one custody to another.
- j:EnforcementOfficial [0..*]A person involved in the enforcement of law.
- j:ForceSubject [0..*]A person who used force against another.
- j:ForceVictim [0..*]A person who was a victim of force.
- j:IncidentAssistingOfficial [0..*]A peace official that assisted in processing an incident.
- j:IncidentReportingOfficial [0..*]A peace official that submitted an incident report in an incident.
- j:IncidentResponseOfficial [0..*]A peace official that responded to an incident.
- j:IncidentSubject [0..*]A person whose actions caused an incident.
- j:IncidentSupervisingOfficial [0..*]An enforcement supervisor responsible for, or present at, an incident.
- j:IncidentVictim [0..*]A person that was negatively affected in an incident.
- j:IncidentWitness [0..*]A person who observed or has knowledge of an incident.
- j:Judge [0..*]An official who hears and decides a case or who rules over a case proceeding.
- j:JudicialOfficial [0..*]A person involved in a judicial area of government.
- j:Juror [0..*]A person who serves on a jury and listens to a case to determine the guilt or innocence of a person accused of a crime.
- j:MissingPerson [0..*]Details about a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
- j:MissingPersonLastSeenWitness [0..*]A person who last saw a missing person.
- j:PropertySeizureSeizingEnforcementOfficial [0..*]A peace official that seized a property item.
- j:RegisteredOffender [0..*]Details about a person that is required to register their residential information with a local law enforcement agency due to having been convicted of a certain kind of crime.
- j:RegisteredSexOffender [0..*]A person who is required to register as a sexual offender.
- j:SentenceSubject [0..*]A person who is being sentenced.
- j:ServiceCallDispatchedOfficial [0..*]An official assigned specifically to handle a call for service.
- j:SeverityLevelAssignedJudge [0..*]A higher court judge assigned the severity level to the referenced charge.
- j:Subject [0..*]A person who is involved or suspected of being involved in an incident or criminal activity.
- j:Suspect [0..*]A person suspected of illegal activity.
- j:VerdictIssuingJudge [0..*]A judge which issued a verdict.
- j:VerdictSubject [0..*]A person who received a verdict.
- j:Victim [0..*]Details about a person, organization, or other entity who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an incident.
- j:VisitationSupervisingOfficialEnforcement [0..*]An official who supervised a visit.
- j:VisitationSupervisingOfficialJudicial [0..*]An official who supervised a visit.
- j:Witness [0..*]Details about a person who has observed an incident.
- lexsdigest:Informant [0..*]An informant.
- lexsdigest:Inmate [0..*]An inmate.
- lexsdigest:OtherInvolvedPerson [0..*]A person involved in an activity whose role has not yet been determined or is unknown.
- lexsdigest:Parolee [0..*]A parolee.
- lexsdigest:Prisoner [0..*]A prisoner.
- lexsdigest:Probationer [0..*]A person on probation.
- lexsdigest:ProtectedParty [0..*]A person under protection.
- lexsdigest:SupervisionSubject [0..*]A subject under supervision.
- nc:Lessee [0..*]An entity which has a contract or lease to use a vehicle.
- nc:Lessor [0..*]An entity which conveys vehicles by way of a lease.
from type lexsdigest:EntityType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The id attribute is used to define XML IDs for NIEM objects. These IDs may be targets of reference elements, metadata attributes, and link metadata attributes. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The attribute metadata allows an object to point to metadata that affects itself. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The linkMetadata attribute allows an element to point to metadata that affects the relationship between the context and the value of the object. | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used in
- NIEM reference target from lexsdigest:EntityReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:ObjectReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:PayloadObjectReference
- NIEM reference target from lexslib:SameAsDigestReference
- Type lexs:DigestQueryFieldType (Element lexs:DigestQueryField)
- Type lexs:DigestType (Element lexs:Digest)
Substitution hierarchy
- lexsdigest:Entity
- lexsdigest:EntityActivity
- lexsdigest:EntityAircraft
- lexsdigest:EntityCreditCard
- lexsdigest:EntityDocument
- lexsdigest:EntityDrug
- lexsdigest:EntityEmail
- lexsdigest:EntityExplosive
- lexsdigest:EntityFirearm
- lexsdigest:EntityHash
- lexsdigest:EntityInstantMessenger
- lexsdigest:EntityIntangibleItem
- lexsdigest:EntityLocation
- lexsdigest:EntityNetworkAddress
- lexsdigest:EntityOrganization
- lexsdigest:EntityPerson
- lexsdigest:EntitySubstance
- lexsdigest:EntityTangibleItem
- lexsdigest:EntityTelephoneNumber
- lexsdigest:EntityVehicle
- lexsdigest:EntityVessel
Sample instance
<lexsdigest:EntityPerson s:id="EPer1"> <lexsdigest:Metadata s:id="MPer1"> <nc:SourceIDText>Per12346</nc:SourceIDText> </lexsdigest:Metadata> <lexsdigest:Metadata s:id="FBIName-1"> <nc:CommentText>FBI Name</nc:CommentText> </lexsdigest:Metadata> <lexsdigest:Person s:id="Per1" s:metadata="MPer1"> <nc:PersonAlternateName> <nc:PersonGivenName>Bebe</nc:PersonGivenName> <nc:PersonMiddleName>Roy</nc:PersonMiddleName> <nc:PersonSurName>Yohanson</nc:PersonSurName> <nc:PersonFullName>Bebe Roy Yohanson</nc:PersonFullName> </nc:PersonAlternateName> <nc:PersonAlternateName> <nc:PersonGivenName>Bobby</nc:PersonGivenName> <nc:PersonMiddleName>Rey</nc:PersonMiddleName> <nc:PersonSurName>Joansen</nc:PersonSurName> <nc:PersonFullName>Bobby Rey Joansen</nc:PersonFullName> </nc:PersonAlternateName> <nc:PersonAlternateName s:metadata="FBIName-1"> <nc:PersonFullName>Bobby Reymond Joansen</nc:PersonFullName> </nc:PersonAlternateName> <nc:PersonBirthDate> <nc:Date>1994-01-20</nc:Date> </nc:PersonBirthDate> <nc:PersonCitizenshipFIPS10-4Code>US</nc:PersonCitizenshipFIPS10-4Code> <nc:PersonEyeColorCode>BLU</nc:PersonEyeColorCode> <nc:PersonHairColorCode>BRO</nc:PersonHairColorCode> <nc:PersonHeightMeasure> <nc:MeasurePointValue>72</nc:MeasurePointValue> <nc:LengthUnitCode>INH</nc:LengthUnitCode> </nc:PersonHeightMeasure> <nc:PersonName> <nc:PersonGivenName>Bubba</nc:PersonGivenName> <nc:PersonMiddleName>Ray</nc:PersonMiddleName> <nc:PersonSurName>Johnson</nc:PersonSurName> <nc:PersonFullName>Bubba Ray Johnson</nc:PersonFullName> </nc:PersonName> <nc:PersonPassportIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>US7660787</nc:IdentificationID> <nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:Date>2005-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <nc:Date>2004-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode>US</j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode> </nc:PersonPassportIdentification> <nc:PersonRaceCode>W</nc:PersonRaceCode> <nc:PersonSexCode>M</nc:PersonSexCode> <nc:PersonSSNIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>444455555</nc:IdentificationID> </nc:PersonSSNIdentification> <nc:PersonSSNIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>244455555</nc:IdentificationID> <nc:IdentificationStatus> <nc:StatusDescriptionText>Alternate SSN Identification</nc:StatusDescriptionText> </nc:IdentificationStatus> </nc:PersonSSNIdentification> <nc:PersonWeightMeasure> <nc:MeasurePointValue>180</nc:MeasurePointValue> <nc:WeightUnitCode>LBR</nc:WeightUnitCode> </nc:PersonWeightMeasure> <j:PersonAugmentation> <nc:DriverLicense> <nc:DriverLicenseIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>E775522</nc:IdentificationID> <nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:Date>2005-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <nc:Date>2004-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode>WV</j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode> </nc:DriverLicenseIdentification> </nc:DriverLicense> <j:PersonFBIIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>12345</nc:IdentificationID> </j:PersonFBIIdentification> <j:PersonStateFingerprintIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>WV5692345</nc:IdentificationID> <nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:Date>2005-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <nc:Date>2004-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode>WV</j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode> </j:PersonStateFingerprintIdentification> </j:PersonAugmentation> <lexsdigest:PersonAugmentation> <im:AlienNumber> <nc:IdentificationID>A3660787</nc:IdentificationID> <nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:Date>2005-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationEffectiveDate> <nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <nc:Date>2004-08-13</nc:Date> </nc:IdentificationExpirationDate> <j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode>US</j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode> </im:AlienNumber> <lexsdigest:PersonUSMSFugitiveIdentification> <nc:IdentificationID>78651-973</nc:IdentificationID> </lexsdigest:PersonUSMSFugitiveIdentification> </lexsdigest:PersonAugmentation> </lexsdigest:Person> <j:BookingSubject s:id="BkgSub1"> <nc:RoleOfPersonReference s:ref="Per1"/> </j:BookingSubject> </lexsdigest:EntityPerson>