Specifies the organization and system where a message was originated.
Element information
Namespace: http://usdoj.gov/leisp/lexs/3.1
Schema document: lexs/3.1/lexs.xsd
Type: lexs:SystemMetadataType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- lexs:SystemIdentifier [1..1]Element that uniquely identifies an organization and a system where date originated, was submitted from, or is being sent.
- lexs:SystemContact [1..1]Contact information for the system owner. Includes a person and organization to contact and their phone number and email address.
- lexs:DomainAttribute [0..*]Placeholder for various domain attributes. For Value/Pair attributes use lexs:AttributeName and lexs:AttributeValue elements. For hierarchical data xsd:any structure should be used.
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The id attribute is used to define XML IDs for NIEM objects. These IDs may be targets of reference elements, metadata attributes, and link metadata attributes. | from type s:MetadataType |
Used in
- Type lexs:SRMessageMetadataType (Element lexs:SRMessageMetadata)
Sample instance
<lexs:MessageOriginMetadata> <lexs:SystemIdentifier> <nc:OrganizationName>Hypothetical Organization E</nc:OrganizationName> <lexs:SystemID>SysE</lexs:SystemID> </lexs:SystemIdentifier> <lexs:SystemContact> <nc:PersonGivenName>Jim</nc:PersonGivenName> <nc:PersonSurName>West</nc:PersonSurName> <nc:ContactTelephoneNumber> <nc:FullTelephoneNumber> <nc:TelephoneNumberFullID>770-555-1212</nc:TelephoneNumberFullID> </nc:FullTelephoneNumber> </nc:ContactTelephoneNumber> </lexs:SystemContact> </lexs:MessageOriginMetadata>