An area, region, or unit in which a unique identification is issued.
Element information
Namespace: http://niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/4.0
Schema document: niem-constrained/domains/jxdm/4.0/jxdm.xsd
Type: fbi:RESCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
NIEM Properties:
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description AA Albania AB Alberta AD Andorra AE Anguilla AF Afghanistan AG Aguascalientes AH Ashmore and Cartier Islands AI Antigua and Barbuda (formerly Antigua) AJ Aruba (now independent of NetherlandsAntilles) AK Alaska AL Alabama AN Algeria AO Angola AP Armenia AQ Azores Islands AR Arkansas AS American Samoa (Islands) AT Argentina AU Austria AV Azerbaijan AX APACHE TRIBE AZ Arizona BA Baja California (Northern Section) BB Barbados BC British Columbia BD Bahamas, The BE Bahrain/Bahrein BF Bassas Da India (French possession) BG Belgium BH Belize (formerly British Honduras) BI Burundi BJ Baja California (Southern Section) BK Baker Island BL Bangladesh BM Bermuda BN Bhutan BO British Indian Ocean Territory BP Bosnia and Hercegovenia BQ Bouvet Island (Norwegian territory) BR Burma BS British Solomon Islands (now SolomonIslands) BT Botswana BU Bulgaria BV Bolivia BW Balearic Islands BX Brunei BY Byelarus BZ Brazil CB Colombia CC Cuba CD Canada(See separate list of CanadianProvinces; use code CD only whenprovince is unknown.) CE Campeche CF California CG Caroline Islands CH Chihuahua CI Chiapas CJ Cambodia (formerly Khmer Republic& Kampuchea) CL Colorado CM Cameroon CP Cayman Islands CQ Chile CR Costa Rica CS Cyprus CT Connecticut CU Coahuila CV Cape Verde Islands CW Central African Republic CY Ceylon (Now Sri Lanka) CZ Canal Zone DA CHEYENNE & ARAPAHO TRIBES DB Clipperton Island (French possession) DC District of Columbia DD Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australiandependency) DF Distrito Federal (Mexico, D. F.) DG Comoros (or Comoros Islands) DH Benin (formerly Dahomey) DI Cook Islands DJ Coral Sea Islands (Australian territory) DK Denmark DL Delaware DM Dominica DN Djibouti DO Durango DP COMANCHE NATION DR Dominican Republic DS MIAMI TRIBE DT MUSCOGEE (CREEK) TRIBE DV SENECA-CAYUGA TRIBES DW CITIZEN BAND POTTAWATOMIE TRIBES EE Absentee Shawnee EK Equatorial Guinea EL El Salvador EN England EO Ethiopia ER Europa Island (French possession) ES Estonia ET Eretria EU Ecuador EY Egypt (formerly United Arab Republic) EZ Czech Republic FA Falkland Islands FC Fond du Lac FD Finland FG French Guiana FJ Fiji FL Florida FN France FO Faroe Islands FP French Polynesia FR French Southern and Antartic Lands FS Federated States of Micronesia FX Sac & Fox GA Georgia GB Gabon GC Greece GD Georgia GE Germany (East Germany: 1945-1989,for reference only)(West Germany: 1945-1989, for referenceonly) GF Guernsey GG Ghana GI Guinea GJ Grenada GK Gambia, The GM Guam GN Greenland GO Glorioso Islands (French possession) GP Guadeloupe GR Guerrero GS South Georgia and the South SandwichIslands GT Guatemala GU Guanajuato GY Guyana GZ Gaza HA Hawaii HD Honduras HE Heard Island and McDonald Island HK Hong Kong HL Hidalgo HN New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) HO Howland Island HR Christmas Island HS Saint Helena HT Haiti HU Hungary IA Iowa IB Isle of Man IC Iceland ID Idaho IE Ireland (does not include NorthernIreland, see Northern Ireland) II India IL Illinois IM Madeira Islands IN Indiana IO Indonesia (now includes Portuguese Timor) IQ Iraq IR Iran IS Israel IT Italy (includes Sicily and Sardinia) IU Niue IW IOWA TRIBE IX Menominee IY Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) JA Japan JE Jersey JI Johnston Island JL Jalisco JM Jamaica JN Jan Mayen JO Jordan JR Jarvis Island JU Juan de Nova Island KA Kansas KB Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati) KC Croatia KE Kenya KH Manahiki Island KI Kingman Reef KK KICKAPOO TRIBE KN North Korea KO South Korea KP Shakopee KT Kazakhstan KU Kuwait KW Kiowa KY Kentucky KZ Kyrgyzstan LA Louisiana LB Liberia LC Mille Lacs LD Moldova LE Lesotho LF Slovakia LH Lithuania LI Liechtenstein LL Leech Lake Band of Chippewa LN Lebanon LO Slovenia LP Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake SuperiorChippewa LS Laos LT LATVIA LU Saint Lucia LX Luxembourg LY Libya MB Manitoba MC Michigan MD Maryland ME Maine MF Malawi MG Mongolia MH Marshall Islands MI Mississippi MJ Monaco MK Mariana Islands ML Mali MM Mexico (See separate list of MexicanStates; use code MM only when state isunknown) MN Minnesota MO Missouri MP Madagascar (included in Malagasy Republic) MQ Morocco MR Morelos MS Massachusetts MT Montana MU Mauritania MV Maldives MW Midway Islands MX Mexico (State) MY Malta MZ Malaysia NA Nayarit NB Nebraska NC North Carolina ND North Dakota NE Holland (Netherlands) NF Newfoundland (includes Labrador) NG Nigeria NH New Hampshire NI Northern Ireland NJ New Jersey NK New Brunswick NL Nuevo Leon NM New Mexico NN Niger NO New Guinea (now Papua New Guinea) NP Nepal NQ New Caledonia NR Nauru NS Nova Scotia NT Northwest Territories NU Nicaragua NV Nevada NW Norway NX Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) NY New York NZ New Zealand OA Oaxaca OC Macao (now spelled Macau) OF Norfolk Island OG OSAGE NATION OH Ohio OI Okinawa OK Oklahoma OM Oman ON Ontario OO OTOE-MISSOURIA TRIBE OR Oregon OS Oglala Sioux OT Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin PA Pennsylvania PB Puebla PC Pitcairn,Henderson, Ducie, and OenoIslands PD Palau, Republic of PE Prince Edward Island PF Parcel Islands PG Guinea-Bissau (formerly Portuguese Guinea) PI Philippines PK Pakistan PL Palmyra Atoll PM Panama PN PONCA TRIBE PO Poland PQ Quebec PR Puerto Rico PS Saint Pierre and Miquelon PT Portugal PU Peru PV Paraquay PW PAWNEE TRIBE QA Qatar QR Quintana Roo QU Queretaro RA Russia RB Republic of Congo, Brazzaville RC People's Republic of China RE Reunion RF Russian Federation RG Gibraltar RH Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) RI Rhode Island RL Red Lake RR Montserrat RS Spanish Sahara (now Western Sahara) RU Romania/Rumania RV Socialist Republic of Vietnam RW Rwanda RY Republic of Yemen SA Sierre Leone (Sierra Leone) SB Saudi Arabia SC South Carolina SD South Dakota SE Seychelles SF South Africa SG Senegal SH San Marino SI Sinaloa SJ Namibia (South-West Africa) SK SEMINOLE NATION SL San Luis Potosi SM Somalia SN Saskatchewan SO Sonora SP Spain SQ Sweden SR Singapore SS Scotland SU Sudan SV Svalbard SW Swaziland SY Syria SZ Switzerland TA Tamaulipas TB Tabasco TC Trucial States (now United Arab Emirates) TD Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands TE Spratly Islands TF Tuamotu Archipelago TG Tonga TH Thailand TJ Tajikistan TK Tokelau TL Tlaxcala TM Tromelin Island (French possession) TN Tennessee TO Togo TP Sao Tome and Principe TR Turks and Calcos Islands TS Nevis and Saint Christopher "Kitts" TT Trinidad and Tobago TU Tunisia TV Ellice Islands (now Tuvalu) TW Taiwan, Republic of China TX Texas TY Turkey TZ Tanzania, United Republic of UC Turtle Mtn. Band of Chipewa UG Uganda UK Ukraine UM Mauritius UR Turkmenistan US United States of America (USA) (Should beused in the following circumstances:1. To indicate the LIS UT Utah UV Burkina Faso (known as Burkina,formerly Upper Volta) UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VA Virginia VB British Virgin Islands VC Veracruz VI U.S. Virgin Islands VL Navassa Island VT Vermont VV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VY Vatican City VZ Venezuela WB West Bank WD WYANDOTTE TRIBE WE White Earth WF Wallis and Futuna (French territory) WK Wake Island WL Wales WN Washington WS Wisconsin WT WICHITA TRIBE WV West Virginia WY Wyoming XX Unknown Place of Birth (for use in IIIrecords only) YG Yugoslavia YO Mayotte YT Yukon (Territory) YU Yucatan YY All others (Any foreign country/dependency/territory not included inthe above abbreviation list is t ZA Zacatecas ZB Martinique ZC Surinam ZD Macedonia ZI Canary Islands ZM Zambia ZO Mozambique ZR Congo Kinshasa, now Zaire
from type fbi:RESCodeSimpleType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The id attribute is used to define XML IDs for NIEM objects. These IDs may be targets of reference elements, metadata attributes, and link metadata attributes. | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The attribute metadata allows an object to point to metadata that affects itself. | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | The linkMetadata attribute allows an element to point to metadata that affects the relationship between the context and the value of the object. | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type nc:IdentificationType (Elements lexsdigest:PersonUSMSFugitiveIdentification, im:AlienNumber, j:CriminalOrganizationNCICIdentification, j:EnforcementOfficialBadgeIdentification, j:EnforcementUnitBeatIdentification, j:EnforcementUnitIdentification, j:EnforcementUnitNumberIdentification ...more)
- Type lexsdigest:PersonRegisterNumberType via extension of nc:IdentificationType (Element lexsdigest:PersonRegisterNumber)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:IdentificationJurisdiction
- j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICLISCode
- j:IdentificationJurisdictionNCICRESCode
- nc:IdentificationJurisdictionFIPS10-4Code
- nc:IdentificationJurisdictionText
Sample instance