Specification of a thoroughfare. A thoroughfare could be a rd, street, canal, river, etc. Note dependentlocality in a street. For example, in some countries, a large street will have many subdivisions with numbers. Normally the subdivision name is the same as the road name, but with a number to identifiy it. Eg. SOI SUKUMVIT 3, SUKUMVIT RD, BANGKOK
Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0
Schema document: xAL.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- xal:AddressLine [0..*] Free format address representation. An address can have more than one line. The order of the AddressLine elements must be preserved.
- Choice [0..*]
- xal:ThoroughfareNumber Eg.: 23 Archer street or 25/15 Zero Avenue, etc
- xal:ThoroughfareNumberRange A container to represent a range of numbers (from x thru y)for a thoroughfare. eg. 1-2 Albert Av
- xal:ThoroughfareNumberPrefix [0..*] Prefix before the number. A in A12 Archer Street
- xal:ThoroughfareNumberSuffix [0..*] Suffix after the number. A in 12A Archer Street
- xal:ThoroughfarePreDirection [0..1] North Baker Street, where North is the pre-direction. The direction appears before the name.
- xal:ThoroughfareLeadingType [0..1] Appears before the thoroughfare name. Ed. Spanish: Avenida Aurora, where Avenida is the leading type / French: Rue Moliere, where Rue is the leading type.
- xal:ThoroughfareName [0..*] Specification of the name of a Thoroughfare (also dependant street name): street name, canal name, etc.
- xal:ThoroughfareTrailingType [0..1] Appears after the thoroughfare name. Ed. British: Baker Lane, where Lane is the trailing type.
- xal:ThoroughfarePostDirection [0..1] 221-bis Baker Street North, where North is the post-direction. The post-direction appears after the name.
- xal:DependentThoroughfare [0..1] DependentThroughfare is related to a street; occurs in GB, IE, ES, PT
- Choice [0..1]
- xal:DependentLocality Dependent localities are Districts within cities/towns, locality divisions, postal divisions of cities, suburbs, etc. DependentLocality is a recursive element, but no nesting deeper than two exists (Locality-DependentLocality-DependentLocality).
- xal:Premise Specification of a single premise, for example a house or a building. The premise as a whole has a unique premise (house) number or a premise name. There could be more than one premise in a street referenced in an address. For example a building address near a major shopping centre or raiwlay station
- xal:Firm Specification of a firm, company, organization, etc. It can be specified as part of an address that contains a street or a postbox. It is therefore different from a large mail user address, which contains no street.
- xal:PostalCode PostalCode is the container element for either simple or complex (extended) postal codes. Type: Area Code, Postcode, etc.
- Any element [0..*] Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: strict
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
Type | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | ||
DependentThoroughfares | [0..1] | Anonymous | Does this thoroughfare have a a dependent thoroughfare? Corner of street X, etc | |
DependentThoroughfaresIndicator | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | Corner of, Intersection of | |
DependentThoroughfaresConnector | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | Corner of Street1 AND Street 2 where AND is the Connector | |
DependentThoroughfaresType | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | STS in GEORGE and ADELAIDE STS, RDS IN A and B RDS, etc. Use only when both the street types are the same | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: strict |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element xal:Country
- Anonymous type of element xal:Locality
- Type xal:AddressDetails (Element xal:AddressDetails)
- Type xal:DependentLocalityType (Element xal:DependentLocality)
- Type xal:LargeMailUserType (Element xal:LargeMailUser)
Sample instance
<xal:Thoroughfare> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:ThoroughfareNumber>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareNumber> <xal:ThoroughfareNumberPrefix>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareNumberPrefix> <xal:ThoroughfareNumberSuffix>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareNumberSuffix> <xal:ThoroughfarePreDirection>Any text</xal:ThoroughfarePreDirection> <xal:ThoroughfareLeadingType>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareLeadingType> <xal:ThoroughfareName>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareName> <xal:ThoroughfareTrailingType>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareTrailingType> <xal:ThoroughfarePostDirection>Any text</xal:ThoroughfarePostDirection> <xal:DependentThoroughfare> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:ThoroughfarePreDirection>Any text</xal:ThoroughfarePreDirection> <xal:ThoroughfareLeadingType>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareLeadingType> <xal:ThoroughfareName>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareName> <xal:ThoroughfareTrailingType>Any text</xal:ThoroughfareTrailingType> <xal:ThoroughfarePostDirection>Any text</xal:ThoroughfarePostDirection> <!--any element--> </xal:DependentThoroughfare> <xal:DependentLocality> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:DependentLocalityName>Any text</xal:DependentLocalityName> <xal:DependentLocalityNumber>Any text</xal:DependentLocalityNumber> <xal:PostBox> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:PostBoxNumber>Any text</xal:PostBoxNumber> <xal:PostBoxNumberPrefix>Any text</xal:PostBoxNumberPrefix> <xal:PostBoxNumberSuffix>Any text</xal:PostBoxNumberSuffix> <xal:PostBoxNumberExtension>Any text</xal:PostBoxNumberExtension> <xal:Firm>... </xal:Firm> <xal:PostalCode>... </xal:PostalCode> <!--any element--> </xal:PostBox> <xal:Premise> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:PremiseName>Any text</xal:PremiseName> <xal:PremiseLocation>Any text</xal:PremiseLocation> <xal:PremiseNumberPrefix>string</xal:PremiseNumberPrefix> <xal:PremiseNumberSuffix>Any text</xal:PremiseNumberSuffix> <xal:BuildingName>Any text</xal:BuildingName> <xal:SubPremise>... </xal:SubPremise> <xal:MailStop>... </xal:MailStop> <xal:PostalCode>... </xal:PostalCode> <xal:Premise>... </xal:Premise> <!--any element--> </xal:Premise> <xal:DependentLocality> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:DependentLocalityName>Any text</xal:DependentLocalityName> <xal:DependentLocalityNumber>Any text</xal:DependentLocalityNumber> <xal:PostBox>... </xal:PostBox> <xal:Premise>... </xal:Premise> <xal:DependentLocality>... </xal:DependentLocality> <xal:PostalCode>... </xal:PostalCode> <!--any element--> </xal:DependentLocality> <xal:PostalCode> <xal:AddressLine>Any text</xal:AddressLine> <xal:PostalCodeNumber>Any text</xal:PostalCodeNumber> <xal:PostalCodeNumberExtension>Any text</xal:PostalCodeNumberExtension> <xal:PostTown>... </xal:PostTown> <!--any element--> </xal:PostalCode> <!--any element--> </xal:DependentLocality> <!--any element--> </xal:Thoroughfare>