(U) All valid USA acronyms for use with publishing organizations/agencies/Cabinet Offices. Excludes Foreign PERMISSIBLE VALUES The permissible values for this simple type are defined in the Controlled Value Enumeration: CVEnumPubsAgencyAcronym.xml
Simple type information
Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:cvenum:pubsxml:agencyacronym
Schema document: IC-EDH/CVEGenerated/CVEnumEDHOrganizationsUS.xsd
Valid value Description AF US Air Force ARMY US Army CEA United States Council of Economic Advisers CIA Central Intelligence Agency DEA Drug Enforcement Administration DHS Department of Homeland Security DIA Defense Intelligence Agency DNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence DOC Department of Commerce DOD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DOI Department of the Interior DOJ Department of Justice DOL Department of Labor DOT Department of Transportation ED Department of Education EOP Executive Office of the President EPA Environmental Protection Agency FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation HHS Department of Health and Human Services HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development NAVY US Navy NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NRO National Reconnaissance Office NSA National Security Agency OMB Office of Management and Budget OVP Office of the Vice President OtherUSG Other United State Federal Government SBA Small Business Administration SLT State, Local, Tribal Government STATE Department of State TREAS Department of Treasury USCG US Coast Guard USDA Department of Agriculture USMC US Marine Corps USTR United States Office of the Trade Representative USUN United States Mission to the United Nations VA Department of Veterans Affairs
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- agencyacronym:CVEnumPubsAgencyAcronym