Schema Central > IC-TDF > IC-ISM.xsd > ism:ISMResourceAttributeOptionGroup
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An attribute group to be used on the element that represents the resource node of an instance document.

Attribute group information

Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism

Schema document: ISM/IC-ISM.xsd


ism:resourceElement [0..1]Anonymous This attribute is used to designate which element has the ISM attributes representing the classification for the entire resource. Every document must have at least one element with this indicator as true. It should be rare that a document has more than one. Mainly this would occur in some sort of aggregator schema. In that unusual case the first one encountered in XML document order is the one used for all constraint rules.
ism:createDate [0..1]Anonymous This attribute is used to designate what date the document was produced on. This is the date that will be used by various constraint rules to determine if the document meets all the business rules. It must be on the element where resourceElement is true.
ism:compliesWith [0..1]ismcomplies:CVEnumISMCompliesWith This attribute is used at the resource level. An indicator of what optional ISM rule sets the documents complies with. This allows systems to know that the document claims compliance with these rule sets and they should be enforced. PERMISSIBLE VALUES The permissible values for this simple type are defined in the Controlled Value Enumeration: CVEnumISMcompliesWith.xml

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