Schema Central > IC-TDF > IC-ISM.xsd > ism:derivedFrom
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This attribute is used primarily at the resource level. A citation of the authoritative source or reference to multiple sources of the classification markings used in a classified resource. It is manifested only in the 'Derived From' line of a document's classification authority block. ISOO's guidance is: Source of derivative classification. (1) The derivative classifier shall concisely identify the source document or the classification guide on the ‘‘Derived From’’ line, including the agency and, where available, the office of origin, and the date of the source or guide. An example might appear as: Derived From: Memo, ‘‘Funding Problems,’’ October 20, 2008, Office of Administration, Department of Good Works or Derived From: CG No. 1, Department of Good Works, dated October 20, 2008 (i) When a document is classified derivatively on the basis of more than one source document or classification guide, the ‘‘Derived From’’ line shall appear as: Derived From: Multiple Sources (ii) The derivative classifier shall include a listing of the source materials on, or attached to, each derivatively classified document.

Attribute information

Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism

Schema document: ISM/IC-ISM.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Type based on xsd:string
    • Maximum length: 1024
  • Used in

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