Schema Central > IC-TDF > IC-ISM.xsd > ism:compilationReason
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A description of the reasons that the classification of this element is more restrictive than a simple roll-up of the sub elements would result in. This acts as an indicator to rule engines that there is not accidental over classification going on and to users that special care beyond what the portion marks reveal must be taken when using this data. Use of this mark does not replace the need for the compilation reason being defined in the prose in accordance with ISOO Directive 1. For example this would document why 3 Unclassified bullet items form a Secret List. Without this reason being noted the above described document would be considered to be miss-marked and overclassified.

Attribute information

Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism

Schema document: ISM/IC-ISM.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Type based on xsd:string
    • Maximum length: 1024
  • Used in

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