Has this ENTIRE structural element (such as a Section (structure of legislation), Title (structure of legislation), etc.) been added or deleted?
Note: Use the <added-phrase> and <deleted-phrase> elements for changes inside a structure that are less than the full structure.
This attribute is used to mark entire structures that should be made typographically distinct because they have been added to or deleted from a measure. In contrast, the added phrase <added-phrase> and deleted phrase <deleted-phrase> elements are used to indicate changes within a structure that are less than the full structure, sometimes as little as a word, a number, or a few letters.
A structure (such as a title or a section) that has been marked as changed using this attribute is usually presented in a different typographic style to indicate the change. Material that has been inserted (added) is typically in italics. Material that has been removed (deleted) is typically struck through.
Attribute information
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value added deleted not-changed
Used in
- Anonymous type of element graphic
- Anonymous type of element formula
- Anonymous type of element quoted-block
- Anonymous type of element non-statutory-material
- Anonymous type of element para
- Anonymous type of element list
- Anonymous type of element list-item
- Anonymous type of element toc
- Anonymous type of element multi-column-toc-entry
- Anonymous type of element toc-entry
- Anonymous type of element legis-body
- Anonymous type of element official-title-amendment
- Anonymous type of element rule via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-clause via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-paragraph via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-subparagraph via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-subdivision via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-item via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element rules-subitem via reference to rules-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element table via reference to tbl.table.att
- Anonymous type of element subsection via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element paragraph via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subparagraph via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element clause via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subclause via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element item via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subitem via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element division via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subdivision via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element title via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subtitle via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element chapter via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subchapter via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element part via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element subpart via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element constitution-article via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element section via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element appropriations-major via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element appropriations-intermediate via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element appropriations-small via reference to structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element continuation-text via reference to res-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element preamble via reference to res-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element whereas via reference to res-structure-attributes
- Anonymous type of element quoted-block-continuation-text via reference to res-structure-attributes
- Attribute group rules-structure-attributes
- Attribute group tbl.table.att
- Attribute group structure-attributes
- Attribute group res-structure-attributes