able title. This is used instead of <title> for tables.
Element information
Namespace: None
Schema document: C:/aaprojects/schemacentral/inputs/gpo-amend/amend.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Choice [0..*]
- marker [0..1]The marker exists wherever #PCDATA is allowed. It is used at the developers discretion.
- boldWords displayed in bold for emphasis or other purposes primarily.
- superscriptElement to contain superscripted character string.
- subscriptElement to contain subscripted character string.
from group pcd-model
Used in
- Anonymous type of element table via reference to titles
- Group titles
- Group tbl.table-titles.mdl via reference to titles
- Type tbl.table.mdl via reference to titles