Schema Central  >  Amendment DTD  >  amend.xsd  >  calendar
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Legislative calendar name and number. In the House, examples are Consent Calendar No. 4, Union Calendar No. 3, House Calendar No. 12, Private Calendar No. 1, Corrections Calendar No. 6, Discharge Calendar No. 1. In the Senate, examples are Executive Calendar No. 1 or Legislative Calendar No. 3. Formerly, the *I35 locator code. 

Element information

Namespace: None

Schema document: C:/aaprojects/schemacentral/inputs/gpo-amend/amend.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
  • from group pcd-model
  • Sequence [0..*]
    1. marker [0..1]The marker exists wherever #PCDATA is allowed. It is used at the developers discretion.


display [0..1]AnonymousDetermines if the element is visible or not. Default value is "yes".

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