This attribute is defined by the OASIS Open Exchange Table Model. Specifies the presence or absence of row separator rules (horizontal rules). Provides the default value for all tgroups in this table.
If rowsep is non-zero, display the internal row rules below each entry; if zero, do not display the rules. Ignored for the last row of the table (i.e., the last row of the last tgroup in this table), where the frame value applies.
This attribute is implied from the closest element in the inheritance path: row then colspec then tgroup then table. Note that if a tgroup or table element has no explicit specification for this attribute but does have an associated style sheet that gives a specification for this attribute, then this value shall be used as the value that is inherited from this element.
Attribute information
Namespace: None
Schema document: C:/aaprojects/schemacentral/inputs/gpo-amend/amend.xsd
Type: yesorno
Properties: Local, Unqualified
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value 0 1