Identification and location information (metadata).
Element information
Type: gc:Identification
Properties: Local, Unqualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- Version [1..1] Version identifier.
- CanonicalUri [1..1] Canonical URI which uniquely identifies all versions (collectively).
- CanonicalVersionUri [1..1] Canonical URI which uniquely identifies this version.
- LocationUri [0..*] Suggested retrieval location for this version, in genericode format.
- AlternateFormatLocationUri [0..*] Suggested retrieval location for this version, in a non-genericode format. Such alternative formats are intended only as additional renditions of the code list information, not as a replacements nor as alternatives for use in application processing.
- Agency [0..1] Agency that is responsible for publication and/or maintenance of the information.
from group gc:NameSetfrom group gc:VersionLocationUriSet
Used in
- Group gc:DocumentHeader
- Type gc:CodeListDocument via reference to gc:DocumentHeader (Element gc:CodeList)
- Type gc:ColumnSetDocument via reference to gc:DocumentHeader (Element gc:ColumnSet)
- Type gc:CodeListSetDocument via reference to gc:DocumentHeader (Elements gc:CodeListSet, CodeListSet)
Sample instance
<Identification> <ShortName>CountryIdentificationCode</ShortName> <LongName xml:lang="en">Country</LongName> <LongName Identifier="listID">ISO3166-1</LongName> <Version>0.3</Version> <CanonicalUri>urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:codelist:gc:CountryIdentificationCode</CanonicalUri> <CanonicalVersionUri>urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:codelist:gc:CountryIdentificationCode-2.0</CanonicalVersionUri> <LocationUri></LocationUri> <Agency> <LongName xml:lang="en">United Nations Economic Commission for Europe</LongName> <Identifier>6</Identifier> </Agency> </Identification>