Attribute information
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Local, Unqualified
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description alt The "Alt" key backspace The "Backspace" key command The "Command" key control The "Control" key delete The "Delete" key down The down arrow end The "End" key enter The "Enter" or "Return" key escape The "Escape" key home The "Home" key insert The "Insert" key left The left arrow meta The "Meta" key option The "Option" key pagedown The page down key pageup The page up key right The right arrow shift The "Shift" key space The spacebar tab The "Tab" key up The up arrow
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description other Indicates a non-standard function key
from type db.keycap.function.enumeration
Used in
- Attribute group db.keycap.function.attrib
- Anonymous type of element keycap via reference to db.keycap.attlist
- Attribute group db.keycap.attlist via reference to db.keycap.function.attrib