Priscilla Walmsley (pwalmsley@datypic.com)
ISBN: 0596006349
1st edition, , O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Chapter 17: Working with strings
Useful function: contains-word (see also
)declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; declare function functx:contains-word ($string as xs:string?, $word as xs:string) as xs:boolean { let $upString := upper-case($string) let $upWord := upper-case($word) return matches($upString, concat("^(.*\W)?", $upWord, "(\W.*)?$")) };
Table 17-2. Examples of
, starts-with
, and ends-with
Example | Return value |
contains("query", "ery") | true |
contains("query", "query") | true |
contains("query", "x") | false |
starts-with("query", "que") | true |
starts-with("query", "u") | false |
ends-with("query", "y") | true |
ends-with("query ", "y") | false |
Table 17-3. Examples of the
functionExample | Return value |
matches("query", "q") | true |
matches("query", "qu") | true |
matches("query", "xyz") | false |
matches("query", "q.*") | true |
matches("query", "[a-z]{5}") | true |
Useful function: substring-after-last (see also
)declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; declare function functx:substring-after-last ($string as xs:string?, $delim as xs:string) as xs:string? { if (contains ($string, $delim)) then functx:substring-after-last(substring-after($string, $delim), $delim) else $string };
Table 17-4. Examples of the substring functions
Example | Return value |
substring("query", 2, 3) | uer |
substring("query", 2) | uery |
substring-before("query", "er") | qu |
substring-before("queryquery", "er") | qu |
substring-after("query", "er") | y |
substring-after("queryquery", "er") | yquery |
Useful function: set-string-to-length (see also
)declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; declare function functx:set-string-to-length ($stringToPad as xs:string?, $padChar as xs:string, $length as xs:integer) as xs:string { substring( string-join (($stringToPad, for $i in (1 to $length) return $padChar),"") ,1,$length) };
Table 17-5. Examples of the
functionExample | Return value |
string-length("query") | 5 |
string-length(" query ") | 9 |
string-length(normalize-space(" query ")) | 5 |
string-length("") | 0 |
string-length(" ") | 1 |
Table 17-7. Examples of the
functionExample | Return value |
tokenize("a b c", "\s") | ("a", "b", "c") |
tokenize("a b c", "\s+") | ("a", "b", "c") |
tokenize("a-b—c", "-") | ("a", "b", "", "c") |
tokenize("-a-b-", "-") | ("", "a", "b", "") |
tokenize("a/ b/ c", "[/\s]+") | ("a", "b", "c") |
tokenize("2006-12-25T12:15:00", "[\-T:]") | ("2006","12","25","12","15","00") |
tokenize("Hello, there.", "\W+") | ("Hello", "there") |
Table 17-9. Examples of the
and lower-case
functionsExample | Return value |
upper-case("query") | QUERY |
upper-case("Query") | QUERY |
lower-case("QUERY-123") | query-123 |
lower-case("Query") | query |
Table 17-10. Examples of the
functionExample | Return value |
replace("query", "r", "as") | queasy |
replace("query", "qu", "quack") | quackery |
replace("query", "[ry]", "l") | quell |
replace("query", "[ry]+", "l") | quel |
replace("query", "z", "a") | query |
replace("query", "query", "") | A zero-length string |
Useful function: replace-first (see also
)declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; declare function functx:replace-first ($string as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $replacement as xs:string) as xs:string { replace($string, concat("(^.*?)", $pattern), concat("$1",$replacement)) };
Table 17-11. Examples of the
functionExample | Return value |
normalize-space("query") | query |
normalize-space(" query ") | query |
normalize-space("xml query") | xml query |
normalize-space("xml query") | xml query |
normalize-space(" ") | A zero-length string |