The fn:adjust-date-to-timezone function behaves differently depending on whether the $arg date value already has a time zone, and on the value of the time zone provided.
The $timezone argument is expressed as an xs:dayTimeDuration , for example -PT5H for US Eastern Standard Time. If $timezone is the empty sequence, it is assumed that the desired result is a date value that is in no time zone. If $timezone is omitted from the function call, it is assumed to be the implicit time zone.
The $arg date is assumed for the sake of time zone calculation to be just like an xs:dateTime value whose time is midnight (00:00:00). If $arg does not already have a time zone, its date part stays the same, but it is now associated with the specified time zone.
If $arg already has a time zone, its value is adjusted to that time zone.
This description is © Copyright 2007, Priscilla Walmsley. It is excerpted from the book XQuery by Priscilla Walmsley, O'Reilly, 2007. For a complete explanation of this function, please refer to Appendix A of the book. Arguments and Return TypeName | Type | Description |
$arg |
xs:date? |
the date to adjust |
$timezone |
xs:dayTimeDuration? |
the timezone to adjust it to |
return value |
xs:date? |
ExamplesXQuery Example | Results |
xs:dayTimeDuration('-PT8H')) |
2006-02-15-08:00 |
xs:dayTimeDuration('-PT8H')) |
2006-02-14-08:00 |
xs:date('2006-02-15'), ()) |
2006-02-15 |
xs:date('2006-02-15-03:00'), ()) |
2006-02-15 |
The following examples assume an implicit time zone of -05:00: |
xs:date('2006-02-15')) |
2006-02-15-05:00 |
xs:date('2006-02-15-03:00')) |
2006-02-14-05:00 |
See AlsoHistory |
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