What's new in XML Schema 1.1: A training course


An overview of the new features in XML Schema 1.1. All new features in 1.1 are covered, including assertions, conditional type assignment, open content, default and inheritable attributes, and overrides.


2 days


Intermediate knowledge of XML Schema 1.0 is assumed.


To schedule a class, please contact us at pwalmsley@datypic.com.

Topics covered

  1. Assertions
  2. Conditional type assignment
  3. Open content
  4. Changes to complex content models
    • Loosening of all group restrictions
    • Relaxed UPA
    • Simplified restrictions
  5. New wildcard features
  6. Multiple substitution groups
  7. Default attribute groups
  8. Inheritable attributes
  9. Overrides
  10. Changes to simple types
    • New types and facets
    • Implementation-defined types and facets
  11. Version control