Schema Central  >  XSLT 3.0  >  schema-for-xslt30.xsd  >  xsl:EQName
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An extended QName. This schema does not use the built-in type xs:QName, but rather defines its own QName type. This may be either a local name, or a prefixed QName, or a name written using the extended QName notation Q{uri}local

Although xs:QName would define the correct validation on these attributes, a schema processor would expand unprefixed QNames incorrectly when constructing the PSVI, because (as defined in XML Schema errata) an unprefixed xs:QName is assumed to be in the default namespace, which is not the correct assumption for XSLT. The datatype is therefore defined as a union of NCName and QName, so that an unprefixed name will be validated as an NCName and will therefore not be treated as having the semantics of an unprefixed xs:QName.

Simple type information


Schema document: schema-for-xslt30.xsd


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Type inheritance chain