The type xsd:yearMonthDuration
represents a duration of time expressed as a number of years and months. The format of xsd:yearMonthDuration
is PnYnM
, where P
is a literal value that starts the expression, nY
is the number of years followed by a literal Y
, nM
is the number of months followed by a literal M
. The following rules apply to xsd:yearMonthDuration
Either of these numbers and corresponding designators may be absent if they are equal to 0, but at least one number and designator must appear.
The numbers may be any unsigned integer.
A minus sign may appear before the
to specify a negative duration.
Simple Type Information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
Schema Document: builtintypes.xsd
- Based on xsd:duration
- White Space: collapse (Defined in type xsd:duration)
Valid values | Comment |
P2Y6M | 2 years, 6 months |
P20M | 20 months (the number of months can be more than 12) |
P0Y20M | 20 months (0 is permitted as a number, but is not required) |
P0Y | 0 years |
-P60Y | minus 60 years |
Invalid values | Comment |
P2Y6M5DT12H35M30S | components other than years or months are not allowed |
P-20M | the minus sign must appear first |
P20MT | "T " must not be present |
P1YM | no value is specified for months, so "M " must not be present |
P15.5Y | numbers cannot be expressed as a decimal |
1Y2M | "P " must always be present |
P2M1Y | years must appear before months |
P | at least one number and designator are required |
an empty value is not valid, unless xsi:nil is used |
Type Inheritance Chain
- xsd:anyType
- xsd:anySimpleType
- xsd:anyAtomicType
- xsd:duration
- xsd:yearMonthDuration
- xsd:duration
- xsd:anyAtomicType
- xsd:anySimpleType