Schema Central > XML Schema 1.0 > xsd:NOTATION
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The type xsd:NOTATION represents a reference to a notation. A notation is a method of interpreting XML and non-XML content. For example, if an element in an XML document contains binary graphics data in JPEG format, a notation can be declared to indicate that this is JPEG data. An attribute of type xsd:NOTATION can then be used to indicate which notation applies to the element's content. A xsd:NOTATION value must be a QName.

xsd:NOTATION is the only built-in type that cannot be the type of attributes or elements. Instead, you must define a new type that restricts xsd:NOTATION, applying one or more enumeration facets. Each of these enumeration values must match the name of a declared notation.

Simple Type Information


Schema Document: datatypes.xsd


Type Inheritance Chain

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