A document used to order goods and services.
Complex type information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Order-2
Schema document: maindoc/UBL-Order-2.3.xsd
CCTS Properties:
- Component Type: ABIE
- Dictionary Entry Name: Order. Details
- Definition: A document used to order goods and services.
- Object Class: Order
- Alternative Business Terms: Purchase Order
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:UBLVersionID [0..1]Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.
- cbc:CustomizationID [0..1]Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
- cbc:ProfileID [0..1]Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
- cbc:ProfileExecutionID [0..1]Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
- cbc:ID [1..1]An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.
- cbc:SalesOrderID [0..1]An identifier for the Order, assigned by the seller.
- cbc:CopyIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).
- cbc:UUID [0..1]A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.
- cbc:IssueDate [1..1]The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.
- cbc:IssueTime [0..1]The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.
- cbc:OrderTypeCode [0..1]A code signifying the type of Order.
- cbc:Note [0..*]Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
- cbc:RequestedInvoiceCurrencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the currency requested for amount totals in Invoices related to this Order.
- cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the default currency for this document.
- cbc:PricingCurrencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the currency used for all prices in the Order.
- cbc:TaxCurrencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the currency requested for tax amounts in Invoices related to this Order.
- cbc:CustomerReference [0..1]A supplementary reference for the Order.
- cbc:AccountingCostCode [0..1]The buyer's accounting code, applied to the Order as a whole.
- cbc:AccountingCost [0..1]The buyer's accounting cost centre, applied to the Order as a whole, expressed as text.
- cbc:LineCountNumeric [0..1]The number of Order Lines in the document.
- cac:ValidityPeriod [0..*]The period for which the Order is valid.
- cac:QuotationDocumentReference [0..1]A reference to a Quotation.
- cac:OrderDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to another Order.
- cac:OriginatorDocumentReference [0..1]A reference to an originator document associated with this document.
- cac:CatalogueReference [0..1]A reference to the Catalogue on which this Order is based.
- cac:AdditionalDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to an additional document associated with this document.
- cac:Contract [0..*]A contracts associated with this Order.
- cac:ProjectReference [0..*]A project with which this Order is associated.
- cac:Signature [0..*]A signature applied to this document.
- cac:BuyerCustomerParty [1..1]The buyer.
- cac:SellerSupplierParty [1..1]The seller.
- cac:OriginatorCustomerParty [0..1]The originator.
- cac:FreightForwarderParty [0..1]A freight forwarder or carrier.
- cac:AccountingCustomerParty [0..1]The accounting customer party.
- cac:Delivery [0..*]A delivery associated with this document.
- cac:DeliveryTerms [0..*]A set of delivery terms associated with this document.
- cac:PaymentMeans [0..*]Expected means of payment.
- cac:PaymentTerms [0..*]A set of payment terms associated with this document.
- cac:TransactionConditions [0..1]A specification of purchasing or sales conditions applying to the whole Order.
- cac:AllowanceCharge [0..*]A discount or charge that applies to a price component.
- cac:TaxExchangeRate [0..1]The exchange rate between the document currency and the tax currency.
- cac:PricingExchangeRate [0..1]The exchange rate between the document currency and the pricing currency.
- cac:PaymentExchangeRate [0..1]The exchange rate between the document currency and the payment currency.
- cac:DestinationCountry [0..1]The country of destination (for customs purposes).
- cac:TaxTotal [0..*]The total amount of a specific type of tax.
- cac:AnticipatedMonetaryTotal [0..1]The total amount for the Order anticipated by the buyer.
- cac:OrderLine [1..*]A line associated with a line in the Catalogue and specifying a kind of item being ordered.
Used in
- Element Order