A class to describe a service level agreement which regulates the quality, availability and responsibilities of digital services.
Complex type information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
CCTS Properties:
- Component Type: ABIE
- Dictionary Entry Name: Service Level Agreement. Details
- Definition: A class to describe a service level agreement which regulates the quality, availability and responsibilities of digital services.
- Object Class: Service Level Agreement
- Alternative Business Terms: SLA
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:ID [0..1]An identifier for this service level agreement.
- cbc:ServiceTypeCode [0..1]A specific type of service subject to this service level agreement.
- cbc:ServiceType [0..*]A specific type of service subject to this service level agreement, expressed as text.
- cbc:AvailabilityTimePercent [0..1]The availability percentage (e.g. 98.5% of the time).
- cbc:MondayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on monday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:TuesdayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on tuesday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:WednesdayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on wednesday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:ThursdayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on thursday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:FridayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on friday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:SaturdayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on saturday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:SundayAvailabilityIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this service is available on sunday (true) or not (false).
- cbc:MinimumResponseTimeDurationMeasure [0..1]The response time for aknowledgment (e.g. to send a receipt to a sending Access Point within 300 seconds).
- cbc:MinimumDownTimeScheduleDurationMeasure [0..1]The minimum down time schedule for programmed maintenance (e.g. scheduled 3 days before).
- cbc:MaximumIncidentNotificationDurationMeasure [0..1]The maximum length of time between the occurrence of an incident and the issuance of a notification (e.g. within 4 hours).
- cbc:MaximumDataLossDurationMeasure [0..1]The maximum data loss permitted (e.g. last 24 hours).
- cbc:MeanTimeToRecoverDurationMeasure [0..1]The time taken to recover after an outage of service (e.g. 3 hours).
- cac:ServiceAvailabilityPeriod [0..*]The period for which the service is available.
- cac:ServiceMaintenancePeriod [0..*]The period of time designated in advance by the technical staff, during which preventive maintenance that could cause disruption of service may be performed.
Used in
- Element cac:ServiceLevelAgreement