A class to define a line in a Quotation.
Complex type information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
CCTS Properties:
- Component Type: ABIE
- Dictionary Entry Name: Quotation Line. Details
- Definition: A class to define a line in a Quotation.
- Object Class: Quotation Line
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:ID [0..1]An identifier for this quotation line.
- cbc:Note [0..*]Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
- cbc:Quantity [0..1]The quantity of the item quoted.
- cbc:LineExtensionAmount [0..1]The total amount for this quotation line, including allowance charges but net of taxes.
- cbc:TaxInclusiveLineExtensionAmount [0..1]The total amount for this quotation line, including all allowances, charges and taxes.
- cbc:TotalTaxAmount [0..1]The total tax amount for this quotation line.
- cbc:RequestForQuotationLineID [0..1]An identifier for the line in the Request for Quotation to which this line is a response.
- cac:DocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document associated with this quotation line.
- cac:LineItem [1..1]The item that is the subject of this quotation line.
- cac:SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem [0..*]An item proposed by the seller as a substitute for the item that is the subject of this quotation line.
- cac:AlternativeLineItem [0..*]An item proposed by the seller as an alternative to the item that is the subject of this quotation line.
- cac:RequestLineReference [0..1]A reference to the line in the Request for Quotation to which this line is a response.
Used in
- Element cac:QuotationLine