Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
Type: cac:CompletedTaskType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:AnnualAverageAmount [0..1]The average monetary amount of a task such as this completed task.
- cbc:TotalTaskAmount [0..1]The actual total monetary amount of this completed task.
- cbc:PartyCapacityAmount [0..1]A monetary amount corresponding to the financial capacity of the party that carried out this completed task.
- cbc:Description [0..*]Text describing this completed task.
- cac:EvidenceSupplied [0..*]The evidence justifying a designation of "complete" for this task.
- cac:Period [0..1]The period in which this completed task was performed.
- cac:RecipientCustomerParty [0..1]The original customer for this completed task.
Used in
Sample instance