Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.2.xsd
Type: cac:ItemType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- cbc:Description [0..*]Text describing this item.
- cbc:PackQuantity [0..1]The unit packaging quantity; the number of subunits making up this item.
- cbc:PackSizeNumeric [0..1]The number of items in a pack of this item.
- cbc:CatalogueIndicator [0..1]An indicator that this item was ordered from a catalogue (true) or not (false).
- cbc:Name [0..1]A short name optionally given to this item, such as a name from a catalogue, as distinct from a description.
- cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator [0..1]An indication that the transported item, as delivered, is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).
- cbc:AdditionalInformation [0..*]Further details regarding this item (e.g., the URL of a relevant web page).
- cbc:Keyword [0..*]A keyword (search string) for this item, assigned by the seller party. Can also be a synonym for the name of the item.
- cbc:BrandName [0..*]A brand name of this item.
- cbc:ModelName [0..*]A model name of this item.
- cac:BuyersItemIdentification [0..1]Identifying information for this item, assigned by the buyer.
- cac:SellersItemIdentification [0..1]Identifying information for this item, assigned by the seller.
- cac:ManufacturersItemIdentification [0..*]Identifying information for this item, assigned by the manufacturer.
- cac:StandardItemIdentification [0..1]Identifying information for this item, assigned according to a standard system.
- cac:CatalogueItemIdentification [0..1]Identifying information for this item, assigned according to a cataloguing system.
- cac:AdditionalItemIdentification [0..*]An additional identifier for this item.
- cac:CatalogueDocumentReference [0..1]A reference to the catalogue in which this item appears.
- cac:ItemSpecificationDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a specification document for this item.
- cac:OriginCountry [0..1]The country of origin of this item.
- cac:CommodityClassification [0..*]A classification of this item according to a specific system for classifying commodities.
- cac:TransactionConditions [0..*]A set of sales conditions applying to this item.
- cac:HazardousItem [0..*]Information pertaining to this item as a hazardous item.
- cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory [0..*]A tax category applicable to this item.
- cac:AdditionalItemProperty [0..*]An additional property of this item.
- cac:ManufacturerParty [0..*]The manufacturer of this item.
- cac:InformationContentProviderParty [0..1]The party responsible for specification of this item.
- cac:OriginAddress [0..*]A region (not country) of origin of this item.
- cac:ItemInstance [0..*]A trackable, unique instantiation of this item.
- cac:Certificate [0..*]A certificate associated with this item.
- cac:Dimension [0..*]One of the measurable dimensions (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this item.
Used in
- Type cac:CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateLineType (Element cac:CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateLine)
- Type cac:CatalogueLineType (Element cac:CatalogueLine)
- Type cac:CatalogueRequestLineType (Element cac:CatalogueRequestLine)
- Type cac:CreditNoteLineType (Elements cac:CreditNoteLine, cac:SubCreditNoteLine)
- Type cac:DebitNoteLineType (Elements cac:DebitNoteLine, cac:SubDebitNoteLine)
- Type cac:DespatchLineType (Elements cac:DespatchLine, cac:HandlingUnitDespatchLine)
- Type cac:GoodsItemType (Elements cac:ContainedGoodsItem, cac:GoodsItem, cac:ReferencedGoodsItem)
- Type cac:InstructionForReturnsLineType (Element cac:InstructionForReturnsLine)
- Type cac:InventoryReportLineType (Element cac:InventoryReportLine)
- Type cac:InvoiceLineType (Elements cac:InvoiceLine, cac:SubInvoiceLine)
- Type cac:ItemManagementProfileType (Element cac:ItemManagementProfile)
- Type cac:LineItemType (Elements cac:AlternativeLineItem, cac:BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem, cac:LineItem, cac:SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem, cac:SellerSubstitutedLineItem, cac:SubLineItem)
- Type cac:PerformanceDataLineType (Element cac:PerformanceDataLine)
- Type cac:ReceiptLineType (Elements cac:ReceiptLine, cac:ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine)
- Type cac:RequestForTenderLineType (Elements cac:RequestForTenderLine, cac:SubRequestForTenderLine)
- Type cac:SalesItemType (Element cac:SalesItem)
- Type cac:StockAvailabilityReportLineType (Element cac:StockAvailabilityReportLine)
- Type cac:TenderLineType (Elements cac:SubTenderLine, cac:TenderLine)
Sample instance
<cac:Item> <cbc:Description>Acme beeswax</cbc:Description> <cbc:Name>beeswax</cbc:Name> <cac:BuyersItemIdentification> <cbc:ID>6578489</cbc:ID> </cac:BuyersItemIdentification> <cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cbc:ID>17589683</cbc:ID> </cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cac:ItemInstance> <cac:LotIdentification> <cbc:LotNumberID>546378239</cbc:LotNumberID> <cbc:ExpiryDate>2010-01-01</cbc:ExpiryDate> </cac:LotIdentification> </cac:ItemInstance> </cac:Item>