Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.2.xsd
Type: cac:DocumentReferenceType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- cbc:ID [1..1]An identifier for the referenced document.
- cbc:CopyIndicator [0..1]An indicator that the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).
- cbc:UUID [0..1]A universally unique identifier for this document reference.
- cbc:IssueDate [0..1]The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the document was issued.
- cbc:IssueTime [0..1]The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, at which the document was issued.
- cbc:DocumentTypeCode [0..1]The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.
- cbc:DocumentType [0..1]The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.
- cbc:XPath [0..*]A reference to another place in the same XML document instance in which DocumentReference appears.
- cbc:LanguageID [0..1]An identifier for the language used in the referenced document.
- cbc:LocaleCode [0..1]A code signifying the locale in which the language in the referenced document is used.
- cbc:VersionID [0..1]An identifier for the current version of the referenced document.
- cbc:DocumentStatusCode [0..1]A code signifying the status of the reference document with respect to its original state.
- cbc:DocumentDescription [0..*]Text describing the referenced document.
- cac:Attachment [0..1]The referenced document as an attachment to the document from which it is referenced.
- cac:ValidityPeriod [0..1]The period for which this document reference is valid.
- cac:IssuerParty [0..1]The party who issued the referenced document.
- cac:ResultOfVerification [0..1]The result of an attempt to verify a signature associated with the referenced document.
Used in
- Type BillOfLadingType (Element BillOfLading)
- Type CatalogueRequestType (Element CatalogueRequest)
- Type CatalogueType (Element Catalogue)
- Type ExceptionCriteriaType (Element ExceptionCriteria)
- Type ExceptionNotificationType (Element ExceptionNotification)
- Type ExpressionOfInterestRequestType (Element ExpressionOfInterestRequest)
- Type ForwardingInstructionsType (Element ForwardingInstructions)
- Type InstructionForReturnsType (Element InstructionForReturns)
- Type InventoryReportType (Element InventoryReport)
- Type ItemInformationRequestType (Element ItemInformationRequest)
- Type PackingListType (Element PackingList)
- Type PriorInformationNoticeType (Element PriorInformationNotice)
- Type ProductActivityType (Element ProductActivity)
- Type StockAvailabilityReportType (Element StockAvailabilityReport)
- Type TenderType (Element Tender)
- Type TradeItemLocationProfileType (Element TradeItemLocationProfile)
- Type TransportationStatusRequestType (Element TransportationStatusRequest)
- Type TransportationStatusType (Element TransportationStatus)
- Type WaybillType (Element Waybill)
- Type cac:CatalogueLineType (Element cac:CatalogueLine)
- Type cac:CertificateType (Elements cac:Certificate, cac:DigitalCertificate)
- Type cac:ConsumptionReportType (Element cac:ConsumptionReport)
- Type cac:CreditNoteLineType (Elements cac:CreditNoteLine, cac:SubCreditNoteLine)
- Type cac:DebitNoteLineType (Elements cac:DebitNoteLine, cac:SubDebitNoteLine)
- Type cac:DespatchLineType (Elements cac:DespatchLine, cac:HandlingUnitDespatchLine)
- Type cac:DocumentResponseType (Elements cac:AdditionalDocumentResponse, cac:DocumentResponse)
- Type cac:EvidenceType (Elements cac:Evidence, cac:SuggestedEvidence, cac:TemplateEvidence)
- Type cac:ExceptionNotificationLineType (Element cac:ExceptionNotificationLine)
- Type cac:InvoiceLineType (Elements cac:InvoiceLine, cac:SubInvoiceLine)
- Type cac:LineReferenceType (Elements cac:CallForTendersLineReference, cac:CatalogueLineReference, cac:DependentLineReference, cac:DespatchLineReference, cac:LineReference, cac:ParentDocumentLineReference, cac:QuotationLineReference ...more)
- Type cac:OrderLineType (Element cac:OrderLine)
- Type cac:OrderReferenceType (Element cac:OrderReference)
- Type cac:QuotationLineType (Element cac:QuotationLine)
- Type cac:ReceiptLineType (Elements cac:ReceiptLine, cac:ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine)
- Type cac:RemittanceAdviceLineType (Element cac:RemittanceAdviceLine)
- Type cac:RequestForQuotationLineType (Element cac:RequestForQuotationLine)
- Type cac:RequestForTenderLineType (Elements cac:RequestForTenderLine, cac:SubRequestForTenderLine)
- Type cac:StatementLineType (Element cac:StatementLine)
- Type cac:TenderLineType (Elements cac:SubTenderLine, cac:TenderLine)
- Type cac:TradeFinancingType (Element cac:TradeFinancing)
- Type cac:TransactionConditionsType (Element cac:TransactionConditions)
- Type cac:VerifiedGrossMassType (Element cac:VerifiedGrossMass)
Sample instance
<cac:DocumentReference> <cbc:ID>AEG012345</cbc:ID> <cbc:UUID>6E09886B-DC6E-439F-82D1-7CCAC7F4E3B1</cbc:UUID> <cbc:IssueDate>2005-06-20</cbc:IssueDate> <cbc:DocumentType>Order</cbc:DocumentType> </cac:DocumentReference>