Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.1.xsd
Type: cac:PaymentMeansType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- cbc:ID [0..1] An identifier for this means of payment.
- cbc:PaymentMeansCode [1..1] A code signifying the type of this means of payment.
- cbc:PaymentDueDate [0..1] The date on which payment is due for this means of payment.
- cbc:PaymentChannelCode [0..1] A code signifying the payment channel for this means of payment.
- cbc:InstructionID [0..1] An identifier for the payment instruction.
- cbc:InstructionNote [0..*] Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
- cbc:PaymentID [0..*] An identifier for a payment made using this means of payment.
- cac:CardAccount [0..1] A credit card, debit card, or charge card account that constitutes this means of payment.
- cac:PayerFinancialAccount [0..1] The payer's financial account.
- cac:PayeeFinancialAccount [0..1] The payee's financial account.
- cac:CreditAccount [0..1] A credit account associated with this means of payment.
- cac:PaymentMandate [0..1] The payment mandate associated with this means of payment.
- cac:TradeFinancing [0..1] A trade finance agreement applicable to this means of payment.
Used in
- Type CreditNoteType (Element CreditNote)
- Type DebitNoteType (Element DebitNote)
- Type FreightInvoiceType (Element FreightInvoice)
- Type InvoiceType (Element Invoice)
- Type OrderChangeType (Element OrderChange)
- Type OrderResponseType (Element OrderResponse)
- Type OrderType (Element Order)
- Type QuotationType (Element Quotation)
- Type ReminderType (Element Reminder)
- Type RemittanceAdviceType (Element RemittanceAdvice)
- Type SelfBilledCreditNoteType (Element SelfBilledCreditNote)
- Type SelfBilledInvoiceType (Element SelfBilledInvoice)
- Type StatementType (Element Statement)
- Type cac:StatementLineType (Element cac:StatementLine)
- Type cac:AllowanceChargeType (Elements cac:AllowanceCharge, cac:ExtraAllowanceCharge, cac:FreightAllowanceCharge, cac:ServiceAllowanceCharge)
Sample instance
<cac:PaymentMeans> <cbc:PaymentMeansCode listID="UN/ECE 4461">31</cbc:PaymentMeansCode> <cbc:PaymentDueDate>2009-12-31</cbc:PaymentDueDate> <cbc:PaymentChannelCode>IBAN</cbc:PaymentChannelCode> <cbc:PaymentID>Payref1</cbc:PaymentID> <cac:PayeeFinancialAccount> <cbc:ID>DK1212341234123412</cbc:ID> <cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch> <cac:FinancialInstitution> <cbc:ID>DKDKABCD</cbc:ID> </cac:FinancialInstitution> </cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch> </cac:PayeeFinancialAccount> </cac:PaymentMeans>