Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.1.xsd
Type: cac:PackageType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- cbc:ID [0..1] An identifier for this package.
- cbc:Quantity [0..1] The quantity of items contained in this package.
- cbc:ReturnableMaterialIndicator [0..1] An indicator that the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false).
- cbc:PackageLevelCode [0..1] A code signifying a level of packaging.
- cbc:PackagingTypeCode [0..1] A code signifying a type of packaging.
- cbc:PackingMaterial [0..*] Text describing the packaging material.
- cbc:TraceID [0..1] An identifier for use in tracing this package, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
- cac:ContainedPackage [0..*] A package contained within this package.
- cac:ContainingTransportEquipment [0..1] The piece of transport equipment containing this package.
- cac:GoodsItem [0..*] A goods item included in this package.
- cac:MeasurementDimension [0..*] A measurable dimension (length, mass, weight, or volume) of this package.
- cac:DeliveryUnit [0..*] A delivery unit within this package.
- cac:Delivery [0..1] The delivery of this package.
- cac:Pickup [0..1] The pickup of this package.
- cac:Despatch [0..1] The despatch of this package.
Used in
- Type cac:OrderedShipmentType (Element cac:OrderedShipment)
- Type cac:TransportHandlingUnitType (Elements cac:PackagedTransportHandlingUnit, cac:TransportHandlingUnit)
- Type cac:ItemLocationQuantityType (Elements cac:ItemLocationQuantity, cac:OfferedItemLocationQuantity, cac:OriginalItemLocationQuantity, cac:RequiredItemLocationQuantity)
- Type cac:TransportEquipmentType (Elements cac:AttachedTransportEquipment, cac:ContainedInTransportEquipment, cac:ContainingTransportEquipment, cac:ReferencedTransportEquipment, cac:SupportedTransportEquipment, cac:TransportEquipment, cac:UnsupportedTransportEquipment)
Sample instance
<cac:Package> <cbc:Quantity>10</cbc:Quantity> <cbc:PackagingTypeCode>PX</cbc:PackagingTypeCode> <cac:GoodsItem> <cac:Item> <cac:CommodityClassification> <cbc:CargoTypeCode>12</cbc:CargoTypeCode> </cac:CommodityClassification> </cac:Item> </cac:GoodsItem> </cac:Package>