This element MUST be conveyed as the root element in any instance document based on this Schema expression
Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Order-2
Schema document: maindoc/UBL-Order-2.0.xsd
Type: OrderType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1] A container for all extensions present in the document.
- cbc:UBLVersionID [0..1] The earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.
- cbc:CustomizationID [0..1] Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
- cbc:ProfileID [0..1] Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
- cbc:ID [1..1] An identifier for the Order assigned by the Buyer.
- cbc:SalesOrderID [0..1] An identifier for the Order assigned by the Seller.
- cbc:CopyIndicator [0..1] Indicates whether the Order is a copy (true) or not (false).
- cbc:UUID [0..1] A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE.
- cbc:IssueDate [1..1] The date assigned by the Buyer on which the Order was issued.
- cbc:IssueTime [0..1] The time assigned by the Buyer on which the Order was issued.
- cbc:Note [0..*] Free-form text applying to the Order. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.
- cbc:RequestedInvoiceCurrencyCode [0..1] The currency requested for amount totals in Invoices related to this Order.
- cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode [0..1] The currency in which the Document is presented. This may be the same currency as the pricing or as the tax.
- cbc:PricingCurrencyCode [0..1] The currency that is used for all prices in the Order.
- cbc:TaxCurrencyCode [0..1] The currency requested for tax amounts in Invoices related to this Order.
- cbc:CustomerReference [0..1] A supplementary reference for the Order.
- cbc:AccountingCostCode [0..1] The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Order as a whole.
- cbc:AccountingCost [0..1] The Buyer's accounting cost centre applied to the Order as a whole, expressed as text.
- cbc:LineCountNumeric [0..1] The number of lines in the document.
- cac:ValidityPeriod [0..*] The period for which the Order is valid.
- cac:QuotationDocumentReference [0..1] An associative reference to Quotation.
- cac:OrderDocumentReference [0..*] An associative reference to [another] Order.
- cac:OriginatorDocumentReference [0..1] An associative reference to Originator Document.
- cac:AdditionalDocumentReference [0..*] An associative reference to Additional Document.
- cac:Contract [0..*] An association to Contract.
- cac:Signature [0..*] An association to Signature.
- cac:BuyerCustomerParty [1..1] An association to the Buyer.
- cac:SellerSupplierParty [1..1] An association to the Seller.
- cac:OriginatorCustomerParty [0..1] An association to the Originator.
- cac:FreightForwarderParty [0..1] An association to a Freight Forwarder or Carrier.
- cac:AccountingCustomerParty [0..1] An association to the Accounting Customer Party. The party that Invoice is expected to be sent to if not the buyer party.
- cac:Delivery [0..*] An association to Delivery.
- cac:DeliveryTerms [0..1] An association to Delivery Terms.
- cac:PaymentMeans [0..1] An association to Payment Means.
- cac:TransactionConditions [0..1] An association with any purchasing or sales conditions applying to the whole order.
- cac:AllowanceCharge [0..*] An association to Allowances and Charges that apply to the Order as a whole.
- cac:DestinationCountry [0..1] An association to the country of destination (for customs purposes).
- cac:TaxTotal [0..*] An association to the total tax amount of the Order (as calculated by the Buyer).
- cac:AnticipatedMonetaryTotal [0..1] An association to the total amounts for the Order anticipated by the Buyer.
- cac:OrderLine [1..*] An association to one or more Order Lines.
Sample instance
<Order> <cbc:UBLVersionID>2.0</cbc:UBLVersionID> <cbc:CustomizationID>urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:xpath:Order-2.0:sbs-1.0-draft</cbc:CustomizationID> <cbc:ProfileID>bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-2-sbs-order-with-simple-response-draft</cbc:ProfileID> <cbc:ID>12345</cbc:ID> <cbc:IssueDate>2006-10-15</cbc:IssueDate> <cac:BuyerCustomerParty> <cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID>444403</cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID> <cac:Party> <cac:PartyName> <cbc:Name>Neighborhood Game Stores, Inc.</cbc:Name> </cac:PartyName> <cac:PostalAddress> <cbc:Room>300</cbc:Room> <cbc:StreetName>123 Main St.</cbc:StreetName> <cbc:CityName>Cleveland</cbc:CityName> <cbc:PostalZone>37311</cbc:PostalZone> <cbc:CountrySubentity>OH</cbc:CountrySubentity> <cac:Country> <cbc:IdentificationCode>US</cbc:IdentificationCode> </cac:Country> </cac:PostalAddress> <cac:Contact> <cbc:Name>Steve Smith</cbc:Name> <cbc:Telephone>231-555-1122</cbc:Telephone> </cac:Contact> </cac:Party> </cac:BuyerCustomerParty> <cac:Delivery> <cac:DeliveryAddress> <cbc:StreetName>5100 Garfield Road</cbc:StreetName> <cbc:CityName>Traverse City</cbc:CityName> <cbc:PostalZone>49686</cbc:PostalZone> <cbc:CountrySubentity>MI</cbc:CountrySubentity> <cac:Country> <cbc:IdentificationCode>US</cbc:IdentificationCode> </cac:Country> </cac:DeliveryAddress> </cac:Delivery> <cac:OrderLine> <cac:LineItem> <cbc:ID>1</cbc:ID> <cbc:Quantity unitCode="KG">12</cbc:Quantity> <cac:Price> <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="GBP">29.99</cbc:PriceAmount> </cac:Price> <cac:Item> <cbc:Name>DestructionFest 2005</cbc:Name> <cac:SellersItemIdentification> <cbc:ID>AY2345</cbc:ID> </cac:SellersItemIdentification> </cac:Item> </cac:LineItem> </cac:OrderLine> </Order>