Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.0.xsd
Type: cac:ItemInstanceType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- cbc:ProductTraceID [0..1] An identifier used for tracing the item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.
- cbc:ManufactureDate [0..1] The date of manufacture of the Item Instance.
- cbc:ManufactureTime [0..1] The time of manufacture of the Item Instance.
- cbc:RegistrationID [0..1] The registration identifier of the Item Instance.
- cbc:SerialID [0..1] The serial number of the Item Instance.
- cac:AdditionalItemProperty [0..*] An association to Additional Item Property.
- cac:LotIdentification [0..1] Associates the item instance with its lot identification (the identification that allows recall of the item if necessary).
Used in
- Type cac:ItemType (Element cac:Item)
Sample instance
<cac:ItemInstance> <cac:LotIdentification> <cbc:LotNumberID>546378239</cbc:LotNumberID> <cbc:ExpiryDate>2010-01-01</cbc:ExpiryDate> </cac:LotIdentification> </cac:ItemInstance>