Schema Central > SAML 2.0 > saml-schema-authn-context-types-2.0.xsd > Length
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        This element indicates the minimum and/or maximum
        ASCII length of the password which is enforced (by the UA or the
        IdP). In other words, this is the minimum and/or maximum number of
        ASCII characters required to represent a valid password.
        min - the minimum number of ASCII characters required
        in a valid password, as enforced by the UA or the IdP.
        max - the maximum number of ASCII characters required
        in a valid password, as enforced by the UA or the IdP.

Element information

Namespace: None

Schema document: saml-2.0-os/saml-schema-authn-context-types-2.0.xsd

Other elements with the same name: Length

Type: LengthType

Properties: Global, Qualified



min [1..1]xsd:integer
max [0..1]xsd:integer

Used in

Sample instance

<Length min="1"/>

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