Schema Central > OOXML > sml-pivotTable.xsd > ssml:CT_pivotTableDefinition
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name [1..1]ssml:ST_XstringName
cacheId [1..1]xsd:unsignedIntPivotCache Definition Id
dataOnRows [0..1]xsd:booleanData On RowsDefault value is "false".
dataPosition [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntDefault Data Field Position
autoFormatId [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntAuto Format Idfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyNumberFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Number Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyBorderFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Border Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyFontFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Font Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyPatternFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Pattern Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyAlignmentFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Alignment Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
applyWidthHeightFormats [0..1]xsd:booleanApply Width / Height Formatsfrom group ssml:AG_AutoFormat
dataCaption [1..1]ssml:ST_XstringData Field Header Name
grandTotalCaption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringGrand Totals Caption
errorCaption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringError Caption
showError [0..1]xsd:booleanShow ErrorDefault value is "false".
missingCaption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringCaption for Missing Values
showMissing [0..1]xsd:booleanShow MissingDefault value is "true".
pageStyle [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringPage Header Style Name
pivotTableStyle [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringTable Style Name
vacatedStyle [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringVacated Style
tag [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringPivotTable Custom String
updatedVersion [0..1]xsd:unsignedBytePivotTable Last Updated VersionDefault value is "0".
minRefreshableVersion [0..1]xsd:unsignedByteMinimum Refreshable VersionDefault value is "0".
asteriskTotals [0..1]xsd:booleanAsterisk TotalsDefault value is "false".
showItems [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Item NamesDefault value is "true".
editData [0..1]xsd:booleanAllow Edit DataDefault value is "false".
disableFieldList [0..1]xsd:booleanDisable Field ListDefault value is "false".
showCalcMbrs [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Calculated MembersDefault value is "true".
visualTotals [0..1]xsd:booleanTotal Visual DataDefault value is "true".
showMultipleLabel [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Multiple LabelsDefault value is "true".
showDataDropDown [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Drop DownDefault value is "true".
showDrill [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Expand CollapseDefault value is "true".
printDrill [0..1]xsd:booleanPrint Drill IndicatorsDefault value is "false".
showMemberPropertyTips [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Member Property ToolTipsDefault value is "true".
showDataTips [0..1]xsd:booleanShow ToolTips on DataDefault value is "true".
enableWizard [0..1]xsd:booleanEnable PivotTable WizardDefault value is "true".
enableDrill [0..1]xsd:booleanEnable Drill DownDefault value is "true".
enableFieldProperties [0..1]xsd:booleanEnable Field PropertiesDefault value is "true".
preserveFormatting [0..1]xsd:booleanPreserve FormattingDefault value is "true".
useAutoFormatting [0..1]xsd:booleanAuto FormattingDefault value is "false".
pageWrap [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntPage WrapDefault value is "0".
pageOverThenDown [0..1]xsd:booleanPage Over Then DownDefault value is "false".
subtotalHiddenItems [0..1]xsd:booleanSubtotal Hidden ItemsDefault value is "false".
rowGrandTotals [0..1]xsd:booleanRow Grand TotalsDefault value is "true".
colGrandTotals [0..1]xsd:booleanGrand Totals On ColumnsDefault value is "true".
fieldPrintTitles [0..1]xsd:booleanField Print TitlesDefault value is "false".
itemPrintTitles [0..1]xsd:booleanItem Print TitlesDefault value is "false".
mergeItem [0..1]xsd:booleanMerge TitlesDefault value is "false".
showDropZones [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Drop ZonesDefault value is "true".
createdVersion [0..1]xsd:unsignedBytePivotCache Created VersionDefault value is "0".
indent [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntIndentation for Compact AxisDefault value is "1".
showEmptyRow [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Empty RowDefault value is "false".
showEmptyCol [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Empty ColumnDefault value is "false".
showHeaders [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Field HeadersDefault value is "true".
compact [0..1]xsd:booleanCompact New FieldsDefault value is "true".
outline [0..1]xsd:booleanOutline New FieldsDefault value is "false".
outlineData [0..1]xsd:booleanOutline Data FieldsDefault value is "false".
compactData [0..1]xsd:booleanCompact DataDefault value is "true".
published [0..1]xsd:booleanData Fields PublishedDefault value is "false".
gridDropZones [0..1]xsd:booleanEnable Drop ZonesDefault value is "false".
immersive [0..1]xsd:booleanStop Immersive UIDefault value is "true".
multipleFieldFilters [0..1]xsd:booleanMultiple Field FiltersDefault value is "true".
chartFormat [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntChart Format IdDefault value is "0".
rowHeaderCaption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringRow Header Caption
colHeaderCaption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringColumn Header Caption
fieldListSortAscending [0..1]xsd:booleanDefault Sort OrderDefault value is "false".
mdxSubqueries [0..1]xsd:booleanMDX Subqueries SupportedDefault value is "false".
customListSort [0..1]xsd:booleanCustom List AutoSortDefault value is "true".

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