Schema Central > OOXML > pml-presentationProperties.xsd > p:CT_WebProperties
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showAnimation [0..1]xsd:booleanShow animation in HTML outputDefault value is "false".
resizeGraphics [0..1]xsd:booleanResize graphics in HTML outputDefault value is "true".
allowPng [0..1]xsd:booleanAllow PNG in HTML outputDefault value is "false".
relyOnVml [0..1]xsd:booleanRely on VML for HTML outputDefault value is "false".
organizeInFolders [0..1]xsd:booleanOrganize HTML output in foldersDefault value is "true".
useLongFilenames [0..1]xsd:booleanUse long file names in HTML outputDefault value is "true".
imgSz [0..1]p:ST_WebScreenSizeImage size for HTML outputDefault value is "800x600".
encoding [0..1]p:ST_WebEncodingEncoding for HTML outputDefault value is "".
clr [0..1]p:ST_WebColorTypeSlide Navigation Colors for HTML outputDefault value is "whiteTextOnBlack".

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