Schema Central > OOXML > dml-shapeGeometry.xsd > a:ST_ShapeType
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Preset Shape Types

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      lineLine Shape
      lineInvLine Inverse Shape
      triangleTriangle Shape
      rtTriangleRight Triangle Shape
      rectRectangle Shape
      diamondDiamond Shape
      parallelogramParallelogram Shape
      trapezoidTrapezoid Shape
      nonIsoscelesTrapezoidNon-Isosceles Trapezoid Shape
      pentagonPentagon Shape
      hexagonHexagon Shape
      heptagonHeptagon Shape
      octagonOctagon Shape
      decagonDecagon Shape
      dodecagonDodecagon Shape
      star4Four Pointed Star Shape
      star5Five Pointed Star Shape
      star6Six Pointed Star Shape
      star7Seven Pointed Star Shape
      star8Eight Pointed Star Shape
      star10Ten Pointed Star Shape
      star12Twelve Pointed Star Shape
      star16Sixteen Pointed Star Shape
      star24Twenty Four Pointed Star Shape
      star32Thirty Two Pointed Star Shape
      roundRectRound Corner Rectangle Shape
      round1RectOne Round Corner Rectangle Shape
      round2SameRectTwo Same-side Round Corner Rectangle Shape
      round2DiagRectTwo Diagonal Round Corner Rectangle Shape
      snipRoundRectOne Snip One Round Corner Rectangle Shape
      snip1RectOne Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
      snip2SameRectTwo Same-side Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
      snip2DiagRectTwo Diagonal Snip Corner Rectangle Shape
      plaquePlaque Shape
      ellipseEllipse Shape
      teardropTeardrop Shape
      homePlateHome Plate Shape
      chevronChevron Shape
      pieWedgePie Wedge Shape
      piePie Shape
      blockArcBlock Arc Shape
      donutDonut Shape
      noSmokingNo Smoking Shape
      rightArrowRight Arrow Shape
      leftArrowLeft Arrow Shape
      upArrowUp Arrow Shape
      downArrowDown Arrow Shape
      stripedRightArrowStriped Right Arrow Shape
      notchedRightArrowNotched Right Arrow Shape
      bentUpArrowBent Up Arrow Shape
      leftRightArrowLeft Right Arrow Shape
      upDownArrowUp Down Arrow Shape
      leftUpArrowLeft Up Arrow Shape
      leftRightUpArrowLeft Right Up Arrow Shape
      quadArrowQuad-Arrow Shape
      leftArrowCalloutCallout Left Arrow Shape
      rightArrowCalloutCallout Right Arrow Shape
      upArrowCalloutCallout Up Arrow Shape
      downArrowCalloutCallout Down Arrow Shape
      leftRightArrowCalloutCallout Left Right Arrow Shape
      upDownArrowCalloutCallout Up Down Arrow Shape
      quadArrowCalloutCallout Quad-Arrow Shape
      bentArrowBent Arrow Shape
      uturnArrowU-Turn Arrow Shape
      circularArrowCircular Arrow Shape
      leftCircularArrowLeft Circular Arrow Shape
      leftRightCircularArrowLeft Right Circular Arrow Shape
      curvedRightArrowCurved Right Arrow Shape
      curvedLeftArrowCurved Left Arrow Shape
      curvedUpArrowCurved Up Arrow Shape
      curvedDownArrowCurved Down Arrow Shape
      swooshArrowSwoosh Arrow Shape
      cubeCube Shape
      canCan Shape
      lightningBoltLightning Bolt Shape
      heartHeart Shape
      sunSun Shape
      moonMoon Shape
      smileyFaceSmiley Face Shape
      irregularSeal1Irregular Seal 1 Shape
      irregularSeal2Irregular Seal 2 Shape
      foldedCornerFolded Corner Shape
      bevelBevel Shape
      frameFrame Shape
      halfFrameHalf Frame Shape
      cornerCorner Shape
      diagStripeDiagonal Stripe Shape
      chordChord Shape
      arcCurved Arc Shape
      leftBracketLeft Bracket Shape
      rightBracketRight Bracket Shape
      leftBraceLeft Brace Shape
      rightBraceRight Brace Shape
      bracketPairBracket Pair Shape
      bracePairBrace Pair Shape
      straightConnector1Straight Connector 1 Shape
      bentConnector2Bent Connector 2 Shape
      bentConnector3Bent Connector 3 Shape
      bentConnector4Bent Connector 4 Shape
      bentConnector5Bent Connector 5 Shape
      curvedConnector2Curved Connector 2 Shape
      curvedConnector3Curved Connector 3 Shape
      curvedConnector4Curved Connector 4 Shape
      curvedConnector5Curved Connector 5 Shape
      callout1Callout 1 Shape
      callout2Callout 2 Shape
      callout3Callout 3 Shape
      accentCallout1Callout 1 Shape
      accentCallout2Callout 2 Shape
      accentCallout3Callout 3 Shape
      borderCallout1Callout 1 with Border Shape
      borderCallout2Callout 2 with Border Shape
      borderCallout3Callout 3 with Border Shape
      accentBorderCallout1Callout 1 with Border and Accent Shape
      accentBorderCallout2Callout 2 with Border and Accent Shape
      accentBorderCallout3Callout 3 with Border and Accent Shape
      wedgeRectCalloutCallout Wedge Rectangle Shape
      wedgeRoundRectCalloutCallout Wedge Round Rectangle Shape
      wedgeEllipseCalloutCallout Wedge Ellipse Shape
      cloudCalloutCallout Cloud Shape
      cloudCloud Shape
      ribbonRibbon Shape
      ribbon2Ribbon 2 Shape
      ellipseRibbonEllipse Ribbon Shape
      ellipseRibbon2Ellipse Ribbon 2 Shape
      leftRightRibbonLeft Right Ribbon Shape
      verticalScrollVertical Scroll Shape
      horizontalScrollHorizontal Scroll Shape
      waveWave Shape
      doubleWaveDouble Wave Shape
      plusPlus Shape
      flowChartProcessProcess Flow Shape
      flowChartDecisionDecision Flow Shape
      flowChartInputOutputInput Output Flow Shape
      flowChartPredefinedProcessPredefined Process Flow Shape
      flowChartInternalStorageInternal Storage Flow Shape
      flowChartDocumentDocument Flow Shape
      flowChartMultidocumentMulti-Document Flow Shape
      flowChartTerminatorTerminator Flow Shape
      flowChartPreparationPreparation Flow Shape
      flowChartManualInputManual Input Flow Shape
      flowChartManualOperationManual Operation Flow Shape
      flowChartConnectorConnector Flow Shape
      flowChartPunchedCardPunched Card Flow Shape
      flowChartPunchedTapePunched Tape Flow Shape
      flowChartSummingJunctionSumming Junction Flow Shape
      flowChartOrOr Flow Shape
      flowChartCollateCollate Flow Shape
      flowChartSortSort Flow Shape
      flowChartExtractExtract Flow Shape
      flowChartMergeMerge Flow Shape
      flowChartOfflineStorageOffline Storage Flow Shape
      flowChartOnlineStorageOnline Storage Flow Shape
      flowChartMagneticTapeMagnetic Tape Flow Shape
      flowChartMagneticDiskMagnetic Disk Flow Shape
      flowChartMagneticDrumMagnetic Drum Flow Shape
      flowChartDisplayDisplay Flow Shape
      flowChartDelayDelay Flow Shape
      flowChartAlternateProcessAlternate Process Flow Shape
      flowChartOffpageConnectorOff-Page Connector Flow Shape
      actionButtonBlankBlank Button Shape
      actionButtonHomeHome Button Shape
      actionButtonHelpHelp Button Shape
      actionButtonInformationInformation Button Shape
      actionButtonForwardNextForward or Next Button Shape
      actionButtonBackPreviousBack or Previous Button Shape
      actionButtonEndEnd Button Shape
      actionButtonBeginningBeginning Button Shape
      actionButtonReturnReturn Button Shape
      actionButtonDocumentDocument Button Shape
      actionButtonSoundSound Button Shape
      actionButtonMovieMovie Button Shape
      gear6Gear 6 Shape
      gear9Gear 9 Shape
      funnelFunnel Shape
      mathPlusPlus Math Shape
      mathMinusMinus Math Shape
      mathMultiplyMultiply Math Shape
      mathDivideDivide Math Shape
      mathEqualEqual Math Shape
      mathNotEqualNot Equal Math Shape
      cornerTabsCorner Tabs Shape
      squareTabsSquare Tabs Shape
      plaqueTabsPlaque Tabs Shape
      chartXChart X Shape
      chartStarChart Star Shape
      chartPlusChart Plus Shape
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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