Schema Central > OOXML > sml-pivotTable.xsd > ssml:cacheField
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PivotCache Field

Element information

Type: ssml:CT_CacheField

Properties: Local, Qualified



name [1..1]ssml:ST_XstringPivotCache Field Name
caption [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringPivotCache Field Caption
propertyName [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringProperty Name
serverField [0..1]xsd:booleanServer-based FieldDefault value is "false".
uniqueList [0..1]xsd:booleanUnique List RetrievedDefault value is "true".
numFmtId [0..1]ssml:ST_NumFmtIdNumber Format Id
formula [0..1]ssml:ST_XstringCalculated Field Formula
sqlType [0..1]xsd:intSQL Data TypeDefault value is "0".
hierarchy [0..1]xsd:intHierarchyDefault value is "0".
level [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntHierarchy LevelDefault value is "0".
databaseField [0..1]xsd:booleanDatabase FieldDefault value is "true".
mappingCount [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntMember Property Count
memberPropertyField [0..1]xsd:booleanMember Property FieldDefault value is "false".

Used in

Sample instance

<ssml:cacheField name="string">
         <ssml:x v="1"/>
         <!--any element-->

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