Schema Central > OOXML > pml-presentation.xsd > p:presentation
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Element information



serverZoom [0..1]a:ST_PercentageServer ZoomDefault value is "50000".
firstSlideNum [0..1]xsd:intFirst Slide NumberDefault value is "1".
showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld [0..1]xsd:booleanShow Header and Footer Placeholders on TitlesDefault value is "true".
rtl [0..1]xsd:booleanRight-To-Left ViewsDefault value is "false".
removePersonalInfoOnSave [0..1]xsd:booleanRemove Personal Information on SaveDefault value is "false".
compatMode [0..1]xsd:booleanCompatibility ModeDefault value is "false".
strictFirstAndLastChars [0..1]xsd:booleanStrict First and Last CharactersDefault value is "true".
embedTrueTypeFonts [0..1]xsd:booleanEmbed True Type FontsDefault value is "false".
saveSubsetFonts [0..1]xsd:booleanSave Subset FontsDefault value is "false".
autoCompressPictures [0..1]xsd:booleanAutomatically Compress PicturesDefault value is "true".
bookmarkIdSeed [0..1]p:ST_BookmarkIdSeedBookmark ID SeedDefault value is "1".

Sample instance

      <p:sldMasterId r:id="string">
      <p:notesMasterId r:id="string">
      <p:handoutMasterId r:id="string">
      <p:sldId id="1" r:id="string">
   <p:sldSz cx="1" cy="1"/>
   <p:notesSz cx="1" cy="1"/>
   <p:smartTags r:id="string"/>
         <p:regular r:id="string"/>
         <p:bold r:id="string"/>
         <p:italic r:id="string"/>
         <p:boldItalic r:id="string"/>
      <p:custShow name="string" id="1">
            <!--any element-->
      <p:custData r:id="string"/>
      <p:tags r:id="string"/>
   <p:kinsoku invalStChars="string" invalEndChars="string"/>
            <!--any element-->
   <p:modifyVerifier cryptProviderType="rsaAES" cryptAlgorithmClass="hash" cryptAlgorithmType="typeAny" cryptAlgorithmSid="1" spinCount="1" saltData="string" hashData="string"/>
         <!--any element-->

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