Schema Central > OOXML > dml-diagramDefinition.xsd > type
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Parameter Type

Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: dml-diagramDefinition.xsd

Other attributes with the same name: type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type, type

Type: draw-diag:ST_ParameterId

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      horzAlignHorizontal Alignment
      vertAlignVertical Alignment
      chDirChild Direction
      chAlignChild Alignment
      secChAlignSecondary Child Alignment
      linDirLinear Direction
      secLinDirSecondary Linear Direction
      stElemStart Element
      bendPtBend Point
      connRoutConnection Route
      begStyBeginning Arrowhead Style
      endStyEnd Style
      dimConnector Dimension
      rotPathRotation Path
      ctrShpMapCenter Shape Mapping
      nodeHorzAlignNode Horizontal Alignment
      nodeVertAlignNode Vertical Alignment
      fallbackFallback Scale
      txDirText Direction
      pyraAcctPosPyramid Accent Position
      pyraAcctTxMarPyramid Accent Text Margin
      txBlDirText Block Direction
      txAnchorHorzText Anchor Horizontal
      txAnchorVertText Anchor Vertical
      txAnchorHorzChText Anchor Horizontal With Children
      txAnchorVertChText Anchor Vertical With Children
      parTxLTRAlignParent Text Left-to-Right Alignment
      parTxRTLAlignParent Text Right-to-Left Alignment
      shpTxLTRAlignChShape Text Left-to-Right Alignment
      shpTxRTLAlignChShape Text Right-to-Left Alignment
      autoTxRotAuto Text Rotation
      grDirGrow Direction
      flowDirFlow Direction
      contDirContinue Direction
      hierAlignHierarchy Alignment
      bkPtFixedValBreakpoint Fixed Value
      stBulletLvlStart Bullets At Level
      stAngStart Angle
      spanAngSpan Angle
      arAspect Ratio
      lnSpParLine Spacing Parent
      lnSpAfParPLine Spacing After Parent Paragraph
      lnSpChLine Spacing Children
      lnSpAfChPLine Spacing After Children Paragraph
      rtShortDistRoute Shortest Distance
      alignTxText Alignment
      pyraLvlNodePyramid Level Node
      pyraAcctBkgdNodePyramid Accent Background Node
      pyraAcctTxNodePyramid Accent Text Node
      srcNodeSource Node
      dstNodeDestination Node
      begPtsBeginning Points
      endPtsEnd Points
  • Used in

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