Sales Task Type for detailing a task within the sales cycle
Complex type information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-72f628ceb37349c9a263b3f1deb44f41
- Sequence [1..1]
- Subject [0..1] A short subject which describes the task.
- PriorityCode [0..1] Indicates the priority or urgency of the associated entity.
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- Status [0..1] Indicates the status of the associated object by providing the Status Code along with a description and when the status is effective.
- CategoryCodes [0..1] Provides a list of category codes that identify the capabilities and features of the associated object.
- PrivateIndicator [0..1] Whether the task is Private or Not.
- ParentTaskID [0..1] Abiltiy to define the Task dependencies
- EscalationLevelCode [0..1] In Customer support scenarios one can associate Escalation level which could be numbers or textual.
- PlannedTimePeriod [0..1]
- ScheduledTimePeriod [0..1] Is the TimePeriod in which the work is Scheduled to be performed.
- ActualTimePeriod [0..1] Is the time period in which the actual event(s) occurred.
- OwnerParty [0..1] This is used to identify who or which organization owns the item or part. The content of this field is user defined based on a specific Customer or Supplier. Synonyms are Vendor Consignment ID, Supplier Consignment ID
- AssignedToContact [0..1] To who all the task is assigned to
- AssigneeTypeCode [0..1] Type of Assignee such as Employee, Customer Contact, Party, Party Relationship
- AssigneeStatus [0..1] Status of the Assignee, "Accepted", "Declined",
- SourceID [0..1] Idenfifies the source that brought the associated entity.
- CustomerParty [0..1] Is the organization that is the end customer of the goods or services being provided in the associated transaction.
- SalesLeadReference [0..1] Reference to an existing SalesLead that is associated with the given document.
- OpportunityReference [0..*]
- ServiceRequestReference [0..*]
- CompletionPercent [0..1] How much of the task has been completed.
- CompletedDuration [0..1] Time currently spent on the Task while it is in progress,
- PlannedEffortDuration [0..1] Planned Effort could be in terms of weeks, days, man months, etc,
- ActualEffortDuration [0..1] Actual Effort could be in terms of weeks, days, man months, etc,
- RepeatingFrequencyCode [0..1] How often the task repeats ex, Hourly, weekly or Monthy
- Contact [0..*] Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requisitioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
- DocumentReference [0..*]
- Attachment [0..*] The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
from type IdentificationTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroupfrom group ReferencesGroup
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type IdentificationType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type IdentificationType |
Used by
- Element SalesTask via derived type SalesTaskType
Type inheritance chain
- IdentificationType
- SalesTaskBaseType
- extended by SalesTaskType
- SalesTaskBaseType