Complex type information
Schema document: CancelAcknowledgePurchaseOrder.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-fe5d3ca5a60d4dc1a4874aaf08fefb14
- Sequence [1..1]
- CancelAcknowledge [1..1] The CancelAcknowledge verb is used to acknowledge the application results of a Cancel request. This function conveys the result of the original request.
- PurchaseOrder [1..*] The purpose of the PurchaseOrder Business Object Document is to communicate an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier. The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. The PurchaseOrder is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order. The Process PurchaseOrder sends the electronic form of a purchase order document from a customer to a supplier in order to purchase n-number of Lines each of which containes an Ordered Item.
Used by
- Element DataArea