Group information
Schema document: Common.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- DunnageWeightMeasure [0..1] Specifies details of the shipped unit weight
- TareWeightMeasure [0..1] Tare weight of the associated Entity. The Tare weight is the weight of the packaging when empty (in the case of a pallet the weight of the empty pallet) that when subtracted from the Gross weight results in the Net weight.
- NetWeightMeasure [0..1] Net weight of the associaed item. The net weight is calculated by subtracting the tare weight or the weight of the container from the GrossWeight.
- GrossWeightMeasure [0..1] Gross weight of the associated entity. The total weight of the entity without reduction of packaging or container. I.e The Gross wieght of a pallet of goods includes the weight of the pallet.
- NetVolumeMeasure [0..1]
- TotalVolumeMeasure [0..1] Quantifies the volume, or amount of space, that is occupied by an item, container or shipment.
Used in
- Type CarrierRouteBaseType
- Type FreightInvoiceHeaderBaseType
- Type FreightInvoiceLineBaseType
- Type InvoiceHeaderBaseType
- Type MoveProductForecasttHeaderBaseType
- Type MoveProductHeaderBaseType
- Type PickListLineDetailBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryHeaderBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryItemBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitItemBaseType
- Type RouteStopBaseType
- Type ShipHeaderBaseType
- Type ShipItemBaseType
- Type ShipUnitBaseType
- Type ShipmentHeaderBaseType
- Type ShipmentItemBaseType
- Type ShipmentUnitBaseType
- Type ShipmentUnitItemBaseType
- Type TransportStepBaseType
- Type CarrierRouteType (Element CarrierRoute)
- Type FreightInvoiceHeaderType (Element FreightInvoiceHeader)
- Type FreightInvoiceLineType (Element FreightInvoiceLine)
- Type InvoiceHeaderType (Element InvoiceHeader)
- Type MoveProductForecasttHeaderType (Element MoveProductForecastHeader)
- Type MoveProductHeaderType (Element MoveProductHeader)
- Type PickListLineDetailType (Element PickListLineDetail)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryHeaderType (Element ReceiveDeliveryHeader)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryItemType (Element ReceiveDeliveryItem)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitItemType (Element ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitType (Element ReceiveDeliveryUnit)
- Type RouteStopType (Element RouteStop)
- Type ShipmentHeaderType (Element ShipmentHeader)
- Type ShipmentItemType (Element ShipmentItem)
- Type ShipmentUnitItemType (Element ShipmentUnitItem)
- Type ShipmentUnitType (Element ShipmentUnit)
- Type TransportStepType (Element TransportStep)