The Sync verb is used when the owner of the data is passing or publishing that information or change in information to other software components. This is to be used when the receiver of the SyncBOD does not own the data. This verb is commonly used when mass changes are necessary or when a publish and subscribe mechanism is used in the integration architecture.The purposes of this verb include application integrity and ease of data entry for the business user by enabling a single point of input.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: SyncType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-0b5970f410a64bea9a9f0547c84c51c9
- ActionCriteria [0..*] Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status.
from type ActionVerbType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
recordSetStartNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetCountNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetTotalNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetCompleteIndicator | [0..1] | IndicatorType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetReferenceID | [0..1] | IDType_B3F14E | from type ActionVerbType |
Used in
- Type SyncAllocateResourceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncBOMDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncBatchCertificateOfAnalysisDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCarrierRouteDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCatalogDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncChartOfAccountsDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCommercialInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncConfigurationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncConfirmWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCreditDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCreditStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCreditTransferDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCreditTransferISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCurrencyExchangeRateDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncCustomerPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncDebitTransferDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncDebitTransferISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncDispatchListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncEmployeeWorkScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncEmployeeWorkTimeDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncEngineeringChangeOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncEngineeringWorkDocumentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncFieldDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncFreightInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncHazardousMaterialShipmentDocumentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncInspectDeliveryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncInventoryBalanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncInventoryConsumptionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncInventoryCountDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncIssueInventoryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncItemCertificateOfAnalysisDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncItemMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncItemNonconformanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncLocationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncLocationServiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMaintenanceOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMergeWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMoveInventoryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMoveProductDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMoveProductForecastDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncMoveWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncOnlineOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncOnlineSessionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncOperationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncOpportunityDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPartyScreenDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPartyScreenResponseDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPaymentStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPaymentStatusISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPersonnelDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPickListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPlanningScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPriceListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncProductAvailabilityDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncProductionOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncProductionPerformanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncProductionScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncProjectMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncPurchaseOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncQuoteDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRFQDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncReceiveDeliveryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncReceiveItemDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRecoverWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRemittanceAdviceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRequireProductDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRequisitionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRiskControlLibraryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncRoutingDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncSalesLeadDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncSalesOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncSequenceScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncShipmentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncShipmentScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncShipmentUnitDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncShippersExportDeclarationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncShippersLetterOfInstructionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncSplitWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncSupplierPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncTableDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncUOMGroupDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncWIPStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncWarehouseShippingAdviceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncWarehouseShippingOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type SyncWarrantyClaimDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
Sample instance
<Sync> <ActionCriteria> <ActionExpression actionCode="token">token</ActionExpression> <ChangeStatus> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <Code/> <Description/> <ReasonCode>normalizedString</ReasonCode> <Reason/> <EffectiveTimePeriod>.................. </EffectiveTimePeriod> <StateChange>... </StateChange> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </ChangeStatus> </ActionCriteria> </Sync>