Information concerning the specific production order in the WIP Split transaction to be processed. Instances of this component are the target (children) production orders to which to perform the split transaction. If the parent production order (specified in the SplitWIPSource component) is also a resulting child production lot, it must be specified again as a child production order (ie. you must define the SplitWIPSource again as an instance in the SplitWIPDestination).
Element information
Namespace: http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/10
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: SplitWIPDestinationType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-605b18f8a1b043f69c6af2e96f32b3eb
- Sequence [1..1]
- ItemQuantity [0..1] Is used to describe the quantity of item's, products or resources being budgeted, produced, purchased, received, sold, or used.
- ProductionOrderReference [0..1] Is reference to a ProductionOrder
- Extension [0..1] Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document through the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The Extension is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
from type IdentificationTypefrom type SplitWIPDestinationBaseType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type IdentificationType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type IdentificationType |
Used in
- Type SplitWIPType (Element SplitWIP)
Sample instance
<SplitWIPDestination> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <ItemQuantity>1.0</ItemQuantity> <ProductionOrderReference> <ID/> <RevisionID>normalizedString</RevisionID> <VariationID>normalizedString</VariationID> <DocumentIDSet> <ID/> </DocumentIDSet> <DocumentDateTime></DocumentDateTime> <Description/> <Note/> <Status> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <Code/> <Description/> <ReasonCode>normalizedString</ReasonCode> <Reason/> <EffectiveTimePeriod>.................. </EffectiveTimePeriod> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </Status> <LineNumberID/> <LineIDSet> <ID/> </LineIDSet> <ItemIdentification> <ID/> <RevisionID>normalizedString</RevisionID> <VariationID>normalizedString</VariationID> <ItemIDSet>... </ItemIDSet> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </ItemIdentification> <Facility> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <Name/> <Description/> <Note/> <Address>... </Address> <Coordinate>... </Coordinate> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </Facility> <SerialLot> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <ItemQuantity>1.0</ItemQuantity> <Lot>... </Lot> <Disposition>... </Disposition> <SerialNumberID>normalizedString</SerialNumberID> <ParentSerialNumberID>normalizedString</ParentSerialNumberID> <Description/> <Note/> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </SerialLot> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </ProductionOrderReference> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </SplitWIPDestination>